The Cycle

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Violently jerking my wrist from his grasp I turned to face him, I walked backwards so we could keep pace as I spoke, " That's not the right answer, just because we're different doesn't mean that I shouldn't be able to worry about you." Smiling softly I turned forwards, "Besides in my mind you're you Shadow, and nothing can change that ever. We all have our share of things we regret and hate about ourselves Shadow, besides Lyguis deserved to die."

Vaati laughed still facing frontwards, " See I knew that she wouldn't mind it, but I still think that it's nasty that you to are fine with corpses. What are you a necrophiliac?"

Shadow shot him a glare as I rolled my eyes in irritation, " Look Vaati, we've been over this before I'm not a necrophiliac. I've just been around dead things for just about my entire life. Also Shadow had justification for the murder, that man took everything from him and to add insult to injury got a death threat immediately after watching the murder of his only family." It was then that we heard the light noise of someone's shoes coming down the stone stairs, I looked to Vaati for help.

Seeing my nervous glancing over he mouthed 'Change into Dark, quickly!' then turned forwards again his head held high, but I could tell he was nervous too.

Quickly signalling to Shadow what I was about to do I changed myself to appear as Dark, "Sorry about this Shadow," I whispered before adjusting the tone of my voice to match Dark's. Understanding the situation we'd be in if we didn't do this Shadow took a deep breath preparing himself for what was about to happen.

" 's not my fault (Y/n) got out you bastard!" He groaned as I grabbed his hair yanking it as I lightly smacked his head on the wall. Acting like this was making me feel terrible, especially after what I'd just learned about him. But this was our only choice besides giving up.

I cringed for just a moment as I saw a small spot of blood on the wall where I'd smacked his head, before saying in Dark's deep coarse smooth-talking voice, "You were supposed to keep her there! Just wait until Lord Guufu finds out," Just as I mimicked Dark's chuckle from earlier Guufu walked around the corner, "Ahh! There he is now, should I tell him? Hmm you little twit?"

Shadow still playing along with our act quickly shook his head causing a few small droplets of blood to splatter on the floor , as he tried to free himself from my grasp. Grinning I dropped him to the ground Guufu frowned as Shadow's body made a soft thump as it hit the floor, after which he quickly scooted over by Vaati's side. "Dark, what did the runt do this time? And make it quick those four brats and my former Master are making a mess downstairs!"

"Simple really," I growled glaring in Shadow's direction who cursed at me in response, "The dumbass let my darling (Y/n) get out, when I went to visit her I found him unconscious in front of her open door. And now I'm making him help me find her."

Guufu frowned at Shadow as Vaati stepped in front of Shadow and arm out protecting him, "And to think this brat is from the same place as you, his parents must be so ashamed of him. YOu should just quit looking for the girl dark, we both know she'll come back for these two or the girl. Just take him and my son to guard Zelda and keep those five idiots from saving the brat. I don't need the hero finding a Sheikah and saving her that's the last thing we need."

"But why can't I find her? You know how much she means to me!" I groaned, mentally cursing myself for speaking about me like this.

"Smile really," Sighed Vaati glaring at me, "After you found her you'd just try and get her to do it with you, which we all know she doesn't want to do. As well as you'd keep her away from everyone but you, that includes Guufu now doesn't it."

"Son you are not to call me by that name, you are to call me father."

"We both very well know I'd jump into Death mountain crater first!" Vaati remarked snidely.

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