Forget what I did before

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Standing after my shameful tears had finished Vaati did the most shocking thing ever, "Hey Shadow, you okay? That's something that could put anyone to tears." He'd never asked me that not even when we were 'together' in the past.

"Y-yeah I guess you're right," I laughed wiping my face with the hem of my sleeve, "C'mon we might as well go get her. That way we know that she's safe."

To that he put a pale hand on my shoulder, "You needn't try so hard to act brave Shadow, I know that you're extremely worried about her. I am as well, Shadow there's something I haven't told you about her yet....."

I looked up at him, "What do you mean Vaati? If it's something that she doesn't know then I have no right to know either, that's the way being in a relationship works."

"Just hear me out Shadow this is important. And no she doesn't know it because her parents were exterminated before they could tell her what they should have." I looked down at the ground as he continued ignoring the fact that I'd told him not to tell me, "(Y/n) she's the next in line to guard the Sheikah race in Hyrule wherever they are, but Impa her aunt took her place instead and helped to exterminate them loyalist or not. This has corrupted the balance of the seven temples in Hyrule {time, light, forest, water, fire, spirt, shadow, and the former picori shrine}. This is what caused Dark's return from the depths of the water temple, he shouldn't be here in this time line he belongs in another where Link didn't pull the Four sword but the Master sword in stead."

"So that's Impa's big secret huh, She took the place of the true Shadow-folk's leader?" I drug a hand through my hair as I stood up, " That's pretty cruel of her to do to (Y/n) her own niece, I want her to find this out on her own so I'm going to forget we ever had this conversation. Okay?"

"Fine by me Shadow let's get going though, before it's too late." Vaati sighed, "I'll meet you there I need to speak with my mother before I leave and tell her what has happened."

"Alright," I told him already walking away waving with a single hand, "see you later then."

Awhile later

I had been lost in the forest for at least twenty minutes now, what a lame excuse for I hero I was. "RgggH! Damn it why don't the Hylians just make a map already it's bee long enough now that they should have!" I knew I sounded like a bratty child but still a map would be extremely nice.

"Huh....Where's this? I don't recall ever being here before..." Hmm I recognized that voice, nervous I flew up into the nearest tree.

"Grah stupid pine cones!" I whispered.

"Okay now I am positive that I'm lost..." it was Vio down there, but where were the other four?(Elzo counts as the fourth), "Stupid Green losing the only map there was in Hyrule, what an idiot."

"Yo Vio!" I shouted hanging upside down in the tree branches, "what ya doing here of all places?"

"Huh!?!" Vio whipped around searching for me then looked up, "I might ask you the same question, Shadow of the Sheikah."

"Eh, I got lost looking for (Y/n)." I wasn't lying him or being completely honest so I felt no regrets for this, "ANd you Vio?"

"Magic waterfall." He grumbled.

I laughed at this, "how'd you end up there there's only one in all of Hyrule. Know what never mind, how 'bout we help each other get back to their own groups?"

Vio stared me down intently, "How do I know this isn't a trick Shadow? You are the one who kidnapped Zelda, give me a good reason to trust you."

"Well...uhhh....." he'd caught me off guard with that question, "I could tell you where Zelda is......"

"Fair enough point." He said, "I take it (Y/n) got upset and ran off?" Vio looked up at me questioningly, "How're you doing that Shadow? By all logic you shouldn't be able to."

"uhm...Not entirely sure, it has something to do with heritage..." I muttered hovering down beside him, " She didn't exactly run off Vio you see, uhm, Dark and Vaati got her."

"I thought Vaati was on your side...." he retorted quickly, "also how did 'Dark get her' we left him merely inches from death before running around looking for a doctor."

"Well....." He'd drawn me on another blank. Nervous I played with my fingers a little bit, "You see Vio....My Vaati isn't the original Vaati....He's the son of Vaati and the Sheikah woman Marie....Can you understand that much?"

"Hmm, I can comprehend somewhat...." He suddenly turned his blade on me, "But I do not believe that I can trust one of your nature you shadow hiding from the light like a coward!" Glaring he continued to mock me, "How do I know you're not (Y/n) playing a trick? That or if your trying to turn me against Green, Red, Blue, and Elzo?"

"ahh Vio how dare you you think I do that by choice? You try and fit in when anyone who see's you is out for your blood!?!....oh wait my promise to (Y/n)....(Y/n), my sweet angel how I miss her beautiful eyes..." Sighing I tapped onto the ground somewhat hurt by what Vio had told me, "Can't you understand from one man to another how I feel about (Y/n)? I wouldn't hurt you or try and betray you, you see (Y/n) trusts you so I will to....What do you say want to help me find our 'friend'?"

Looking me over carefully he lowered his blade, "That's something I can relate to Shadow.....Alright I go with you to find her."

He offered a hand to me unsure of what to do I raised an eyebrow, "ehm, I'm sorry but as a Sheikah I'm not exactly familiar with that custom? Is that the right word for it?"

"Oh? Sheikah don't shake hands?"

"No it's uncommon."

"I see. Well where I was raised in the forest shaking hands is like a way to say I trust you." He said putting his hand down removing the awkward tension between us., "So lets go make sure (Y/n)'s safe!" He smiled at me before grabbing his bow.

"Okay I'll show you the way Vio." I couldn't believe it but by following (Y/n)'s good example I'd gained us an ally, well accidentally did. With Vio trailing behind I went in the direction that I knew was the right one by following the setting sun.

Lighting up My Shadowy LifeWhere stories live. Discover now