Don't Laugh!

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"....." Marie's ghost stayed quiet.​

​"She's not in line with Him mother." Vaati told her calmly looking up with his eye, "None of us three are, he's...."

​"Hush son..." Her voice was that of an angel, "It's just that I cant believe that he...Did tell her everything yet?" Her soft tone became cocky and rude as she looked at Vaati, she was his mother alright nice first then cocky in a mere few seconds.

I was confused by her reaction and spoke with out thinking, "What I supposed to know?" Vaati made a hurried shushing motion towards me, "Don't you shush me you goddess damn grape! I'll kick your ass!"

"My son a....Grape? Ah I see you are not in control of your emotions (Y/n), your father had the same issue," I'd forgotten Marie was there, "Actually I'd rather not know why you're calling my son that...For now I'll send you and Shadow into the Tower, Vaati will be sent later he and I need to have a short talk." She gave him the look I always did when I was mad at him, already I was liking her more than I liked most people after meeting them (save for Shadow).

"Alright Mother I'll stay and talk," Vaati sighed rather dejectedly, "Shadow you good to go inside?" Vaati looked at Shadow whom was laughing his ass off, "HEY ASSHOLE LISTEN WHEN I'M TALKING TO YOU!" he didn't acknowledge Vaati's shout and continued laughing but now harder as he got yelled at by Vaati.

"SHADOW!" Me and Marie shouted in unison, "STOP LAUGHING THIS INSTANT!"

"H-huh!?!" He looked up from his fit of laughter only acknowledging my shout, "Yeah what is it (Y/n)?" Shadow's face was bright red I could tell that he was holding back even more obnoxious laughter.

"Fire eyes..." I squatted down by him glaring fiercely, "Don't laugh at stuff like this it's rude and you know it. Besides if it weren't for you and Vaati I'd still be-well you know how it was."

As I stroked his hair out of his eyes he sighed trying to wipe the tears forming in his eyes away, "Yeah......I guess your right (Y/n)......I shouldn't laugh"

"WOW........" Vaati and Marie were stunned at how easily I'd gotten him to stop.

"Thank you Shadow," I hugged him gently pinching his back kind of hard to let him know that I wasn't kidding and whispered only for him to hear, "Please don't do that, it makes you no worse that the Hylain's in my eyes you should know that Shadow ."

"I wont do it anymore then," He whispered back, "I swear it on my life to make you feel happy and be safe."

"Don't be absurd!" I laughed letting him go, "I can very well take care of myself and you know it!"

"(Y/n)...." Vaati seemed irritated again, "Please hurry HE could be back any moment, take Sir giggly with you fast!" He became more urgent as the chilly fall wind suddenly became warm.

"Okay!" I frantically told him picking up Shadow and running towards Marie, "We're ready ma'am."

"Then off you go, please try not to break anything (Y/n)." She said as she waved her arms. As Marie waved her arms a comforting wind came and picked us up, "and remember to be quiet." I could tell that she meant that for Shadow specifically. Now we went up into the tower leaving Vaati behind with his Mother, not knowing what was to come next in our journey.

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