From the Dark world

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As we slowly made our way up the stairs Shadow began to tell me everything. He'd been adopted into the Sheikah tribe at a very young age, and by young he meant that he was still a baby; The one whom had brought him in was a young woman by the name of Zefra who's recently married husband Lyguis had left her to join the Hylian loyalists in the war, while she stayed with the Interlopers in Kakariko believing that the Hylians already had enough control over Hyrule and retaliated with the rest of the tribe. Needless to say I saw how difficult it was for Shadow to talk about this woman placing my hand in his giving it a gentle squeeze as we continued to go up the stair well. Shadow continued to tell me about Zefra and then got to the point where he came in; About a week after Lyguis left her Zefra was headed to the Kakariko graveyard to see Dampe,but on the way she'd seen a small black bundle by the rocks along the path. Curious she drew closer and saw a small tuft of purple hair coming out of the bundle, picking it up she found that it was a small baby boy. Zefra cradled it in her arms thinking for a moment about the small child, he could be of the dark world or a monster in disguise hence him being found here the resting place of the dead and the damned.

"Shadow...She found you alone near the graveyard when you were only a baby?" I asked slightly tensing my grip on his hand feeling my heart break more and more as Shadow told me everything about himself. As he nodded I closed my eyes and said quietly, "So you were brought into the sheikah tribe by her choice to raise you as her child."

"Yeah that's right..." he said gazing up at the seemingly never-ending stairs, "We're about 30 or 40 floors below where he's keeping Zelda I think...It'll be quite awhile before we get there."

Moaning I said, "We've already been up about seventy. this is just great who needs this many floors in a single building anyways?" as the burning in my legs continued to get worse and worse as we moved up.

"Well it won't get any better if you whine about it (Y/n)." Sneered Vaati turning to face the two of us, "It will only be about another hour no more than that if we keep this pace." With that Vaati turned away from us again.

"Great," I sighed rolling my eyes. Still working our way up Shadow continued telling me about his mother and himself. Instead of going to see Dampe as she'd planned Zefra decided to take the baby home with her, and raise the young boy as if he were her own. Because she'd found the infant close to the Shadow temple she decided to call the boy Shadow and for another grim reason Zefra'd never told him. As time passed with Zefra raising him she felt that the child had no malevolent intent if not any violent out breaks proving him not to be a monster, but from the dark world connect to her own. By the time he was two she knew why he was in the light world, whomever's child he'd been was ashamed that they had a child who was so unlike them and everyone else in the Dark world. Just by having a pure soul with more light than darkness he was cast out of the world he was born in. After a time Shadow began to make friends with some the minish who'd taken refuge in Kakariko fearing the war and what could happen to them.....

"And then you know what happened next," he said with a grim shaky tone. Tears began to brim at his eyes as he spoke, "The hylians and loyalists came in and attacked those of us who'd not yet left Kakariko as well as those of us that couldn't get out in time. Zefra and I were taken under the well by Lyguis and some hylian soldiers and I was forced to watch her be tortured right in front of me. But worst of all it-it....wa-was.." Shadow began to take deep breaths trying to calm down.

I hated having to see Shadow like this placing my other hand on our intertwined ones I said, "It was Lyguis that tortured and killed her wasn't it."

"Y-yeah that bastard did, and he smiled while doing it too." he laughed sinisterly though his tears the low tone of his voice made me twinge in fear, I'd never heard someone's one go that low before. "And I vowed revenge that's when I fully realized what she'd meant when she told me that I was from the Dark world not this one. The last thing she ever asked of Lyguis was to let me live because I was the most important thing to her in this world...He just laughed and cut her head cleanly off saying 'if he was raised by you than he's no better than you Zefra and I vow to kill this foul creature you were willing to raise as your own kin'. I was only six at the time but I knew that I had to get out of there as fast as I possibly could, using my ability to hover in the air I was able to get away from them vowing to kill Lyguis when I had the chance. With nowhere to go I went to the forest to seek out the Great Deku tree that Zefra had told me about. I was amazed at all of the fairies with everyone and asked around until I made my way to him..."

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