An old friend?

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  Walking calmly into the desert we approached the guard blocking the entrance to the Gerudo fortress. Staring me down with her yellow eyes the guard asked, "And what business do you have here? We don't allow outsiders in our grounds."

Lifting my head slightly I met my eyes with hers, "I'm aware of that I'm just here to visit one of my mother's old friends. Here's the proof of her membership with the gerudo." As I handed the guard the small paper she gave me a curious look as the two boys' stood behind me.

Staring down Vio the guard said, "Well...Where's your mother Adraphine? You boy up front now!" Vio nervously moved to stand by me, "Oh it's you Link! I didn't recognize you kiddo, remember me I'm Inot. How've you been?"

Vio looked from Inot to me then to Vaati before saying, "G-good I guess. Can I head in Inot, I need to go ask Nabooru something." Giving me an encouraging slight smile Vio then said, "Adraphine is dead she has been since the end of the war...I'm sure (Y/n) won't really wan't to talk about it, she's here to visit Umiri."

Nodding Inot looked from me to Vaati, "Okay girls you go in with Link. If you're looking for Umiri check the area near the cell she's usually around there if not just ask around I'm sure you'll find her (Y/n)." As she handed me the pass back I smiled slightly it seemed Vaati's girl appearance was of some use here. Waving to a guard across the gate in purple Inot said, "Hey Emora I'm letting some people in who have passes don't attack them."

"Alright Inot I won't." The woman sighed.

Inot clapped twice then the gate opened, "Be careful. Umiri isn't the nicest one of us, but I'm sure she'll like you." Smiling she waved us in.

"Thanks Inot." I said smiling stepping into the Gerudo territory, "Don't worry I will be careful." As the three of us walked up the path leading to the Gerudo fortress Vaati sighed in frustration, "Look don't be mad that they thought you were a girl Vaati, just tell Inot that you're a man on our way out."

Staring daggers at me he responded, "I'd rather be seen as a fucking man, seriously can't anyone tell that I'm not a girl goddess." Turning to face Vio Vaati asked, "So you know the Gerudo and are on good terms with them hmm?"

Vio stayed silent as we walked until we entered the official Gerudo fortress, "Yeah I-we earned the pass a long time ago and we met Inot with in the training ground...But their king Ganondorf despises me, but I guess it can't be helped we are the one who prevented him from usurping the castle when we were younger."

"I that so," I snorted, "Vaati you're coming with me okay. Vio you go talk with that Nabooru girl you told Inot about." Grabbing Vaati by the wrist I began to walk him where we needed to go before we got far Vio stopped me by placing a hand on my shoulder, "ugh, what Vio?"

"(Y/n) be careful with Vaati, I don't think they're going to like it when the realize that he's a guy." Smiling softly he removed his hand, "Good luck with this Umiri lady."

Shaking my head I told him, "I probably won't need it the Sheikah and Gerudo were on good terms for a long time. You're the one who needs to be careful Vio, they do think that you are just Link in purple; Yeah you are technically you but you still aren't at the same time, do you get what I mean?"

"How can he when you told him so much stupid." Vaati scoffed looking curiously at his nails.

"Shut it Vaati or I'll tell them that you're a boy then come get you later!" I snarled, "Vio just go I don't want to waste too much time, all the time that gets wasted by us is more time Shadow has to be stuck with those two..." Seeing how worried I actually was Vio nodded then left to go find Nabooru, then Vaati and I headed to find Umiri. "Vaati we're going to probably have to ask around because most Gerudo are kind of hard to tell apart." As we walked forwards I waved to a few of the outdoor guards whom I vaguely recognized from my childhood.

Then suddenly someone jumped on me from behind shouting, "My god (Y/n) you're still alive!!" Out of natural instinct I grabbed the girl by the wrist and flipped her over me. Carefully she landed on her feet, "Wow! you've gotten big since I last saw you, well so have I but that's not the point." Smiling this Gerudo girl who appeared to be around my age offered me a hand, when she saw the confusion on my face she frowned. "(Y/n)...Do you not remember who I am? I used to play with you all the time when we we're younger, but then Kakariko was laid under siege by Impa and the Hylian royal family and the Gerudo had to come back here..."

With Vaati standing by my side clearly knowing something that I didn't I sighed before saying, "I'm sorry but a lot of things have happened since I was that age, could you tell me your name? Maybe that'll help me remember a little bit about you."

Sighing the girl offered me a hand, "Right my name's Tabemi. C'mon I 'll take you somewhere where we can talk, oh and you can come with us too if you want."

"Sorry we can't stay and I'm here to see my mom's old friend Umiri, and after I talk to her I have to go find the other person who came with us two." I gave Tabemi an apologetic smile, "Maybe next time I visit we could talk?"

After we spent an awkward minute of silence Vaati spoke, "(Y/n) you're wasting time again."

Tilting her head Tabemi gave Vaati a funny look, "Are you a guy or girl, you look really girly in a hylian sense..but this is the desert and, well it's kind of my job to make sure outsiders are kept out. (Y/n) is an exception though not only is she a girl for sure, but she's also from the Sheikah the other race the hylians aren't that fond of because of the war.."

"Tabemi," I smiled as we walked forwards, "Can you keep a secret?"

Grabbing me by the hair Vaati yanked it snarling fiercely, "(Y/n) don't you fucking dare."  

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