Learnings of Hurt

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When Sakura was young she was hurt a lot, the first time Sakura was hurt, she was so young. She was only a child, 5 nearly 6.

She had the brightest pink hair, and the brightest jade eyes. She could always lift someone's spirit, no matter who it was.

But one day she started getting bullied. It was because of her 'large' forehead, or her pink hair.

When she told her father, he only said to suck it up. When she told her mother she said to toughen up. She never had friends but she had her brother.

One day she met: Ino. They had become best friends, all because Ino had told her she was pretty. She also gave Sakura A ribbion to keep her hair out of her face. Sakura started to learn about how to be normal, she learned it was best to stay quiet and that all girls had a crush on Sasuke Uchiha. When she learned this she remembered Ino saying something about her liking him.

It had been a week since she heard this and she decided to tell Ino that she had a crush on Sasuke so she could be normal. Ino declared them rivals and left. She left a girl with a little piece of her heart ripped off.

The second time Sakura was hurt was when she had just turned 8. It was her brother that hurt her this time, the only person she loved or trusted.

Her brother was about 13, he had red hair as bright as fire. He was still pregenin, but there are reasons for it. He was even stronger than the average jonin, that was the problem, the Hokage was afraid of his power.

But his name was none other than... Sasori.

He was shipped off to Suna to be trained at a higher rank. He was there until Sakura turned 9. But on her birthday, Sakura was told that her brother left Suna. The minute she heard this, from her father, she had been crying. But several days later she was informed that her brother had joined the Akatsuki. That whole week just seemed to tear away another piece of her heart.

The third time Sakura was hurt she was 10. This time her parents had hurt her, her father physically abused her.

Every night when she came home from the Academy, she was welcomed with a slap from her father and a couple of insults like "Why aren't you strong like you're brother?!" Or "Why are you so weak?!" It always seemed to ruin her confidence.

Her mother started to abuse her mentally by saying things like "Why are you so ugly?!" Or "Why are you so dumb?!" It always hurt her. She slowly had more and more pieces of her heart torn, every time her parents say those things.

The fourth time she was hurt was a bit more tragic though...

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