Pregenin Tests, and show Strength

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(N/A: I'll make chapters longer I just wanted to get this to you guys )

She reappeared in her classroom, the lights were out, and she was alone.

'Like always' She thought. She saw the clock in the back of the class show it was 8:57. So kids should start pouring into class soon. Sakura went to the teachers desk and took out the roll call, she marked herself here. She grabbed a sticky - note and wrote a note saying where she would be.

' I'm out training
-Haruno. '

She put it on the roll call and teleported back to the training field. She noticed that the whole class was there trying to find the source of all the damage.

"Sakura, do you know what happened here? Also, what is that scar from? I don't remember you having that." Iruka asked quickly.

Sakura simply noded to him, signaled for them to get back, and made 2 simple hand signs. "Quick Earth repare" She, gently, put a hand on the ground and all the boulders, trees, and dirt blocks started to go back to where they were.

"Sakura - san, just how strong are you?" Sasuke asked.

"I'm the most powerful here, I have reason to believe I'm nearly as strong as Hakate, the one watching us from afar. On my left." She looked left and there came out a jonin with a half mask and gravity defining hair.

Kakashi Hakate.

Sasuke's eyes widened, how had he not noticed him? And she had so easily? What tricks was she playing?

Kakashi slowly walked until he was about 3 feet from her, he took notice that her fists were clenched. He bent down eye level and said words that surprised them all:

"Fight me" He said.

Sakura suddenly disappeared and turned into a stick. His visible eye widened. He stood and lifted his Kohana headband.

"Maybe this will be harder than I thought" Kakashi mumbled.

Sakura's Real LifeOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz