The Chunin Exams! Second part of the second exam!

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Sakura was right, Kabuto had set a small perimeter around a cave. She arrived at the cave and walked in, the first thing she saw was Kabuto taking off his shirt.

She scanned his muscular torso with her eyes, his nice pecks, his-  "Sakura?"

Her eyes snapped to his, and that's when she noticed how close he came, how tall he was, and how handsome he is.

He towered over her nearly a head taller than her. Kabuto slowly placed a hand on her lower back and puller her body against his. She could feel his rock hard, ninja developed body against her.

She had her breast pressed against his chest, she ran he right hand up his torso, running her fingers all along his creases and ripples.

He lowered his head to whisper in her ear,"You know you want to do this don't you?"

"If your going to do it, do it." She whispered back. Kabuto smirked and slowly started to bite on her neck.

He slowly moved his hands lowly to her thighs and lifted her up. She instinctively wrapped her legs around his waist, and her arms went around his neck. His lips skimmed her collar bones as he walked to the sleeping bags he layed out.

"Come on Sachiko, I heard something from over here!" A male voice yelled from outside the cave.

"Come one Kabuto, let's kill them and go to the tower..." Sakura mumbled, Kabuto slowly put her back on the ground. Sakura puller her Katana from her back and walked out of the cave. There stood a boy with blackish silver hair, all gray clothes, and a kunia in hand.

"Who are you?" The boy asked.

"My name is Sakura."

"Honestly I don't care, but I am here to kill you."

The boy was tall and lean but what Sakura noticed was his sickening smile.

The last that Sakura remembered was the area around her being on fire.


A lot of blood, screams, her name being called, some ANBU, and finally she remembered seeing Kakashi.

But now all she hears is the beeping of the heart monitor.




'There it is again.' Sakura could hear her thoughs once again. She didn't just hear the screams of the innocent in her head.

When she does actually sleep, she sees her family, all of them on the ground, dead, screaming it's her fault that they are gone.

"So your awake huh? Yah, you never told us how often that demon comes out. Or why for that matter." Kakashi walked into the room with his usual slouch, hands in his pockets, and his eyes crinkle, signaling he was smiling under that damn mask of his.

Sakura kept her emotionless façade. While her insides where burning. Particularly her heart.

Beep- Beep- Beep-

The heart monitor started to become frantic.


That was the last thing she heard when she passed out.

Blank, jade orbs opened, Sakura found herself standing in front of an overly large, humongous cage. Stuck to the center of the cage bars was a tag with the kanji for 'seal' scrawled on it. The surrounding area was pitch black, Sakura had to make herself take deep breaths, for she seemed to be suspended in mid-air.

" Where is this place?" The kunoichi softly muttered, rubbing her upper arms, feeling very uncomfortable. The air here was stifling, and some kind of sensation lingered in the air.

"I am Hendro. The Demon summoned by 'Hidan' from Jashin, the one sealed in you" Hendro explained.

"Okay, but what do you want? Er... need?"

"I need help..." He yelled the door slowly opened and the cage seal ripped.

A tall figure stepped out, black horns, with fire between them emerged from the cage. He then put his hand on the ground.
"Well... get on" Sakura stepped on and wobbled when he started to raise his hand up. He held her up at his eye level.

"I need to start to release more of my chakra into you, so..." there was a beat of silence before he continued, "I will be able to talk to you, and you will have more chakra, and it will keep me at bay from taking control."


The girl stared at him. "Okay... I don't see why not."

"Alright then" He mumbled.

Sakura felt everything turning black again, she couldn't tell if she was falling, on the ground, floating, which way is up or down.

And then she felt a fire start at her feet, rising to her face, she clawed at her body in pain. She screamed, well she thought she did, she couldn't hear it. So did she really scream at all? Or was she mute? She didn't know but she knew everything hurt. So she did what a lot of people would do.

She passed out.

But her last reasonable thought was:

'Who turned out the Damn lights?'

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