Meeting The Akatsuki...?

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Sasori lead Sakura to a condensed part of the forest, neither spoke during the journey. But on the ground was a large circle. He walked into it and motioned her to enter. She did and it started to glow a dark blue. Then they both reappeared in front of a large town. "This... is Ame. Owned by Pein."

It was pouring Rain, but Sakura was okay with that. She loves rain. Becuase she can hide her tears in it. "Let's go." Sasori mumbled. He started to walk to the center of the town. He stopped once he reached a build that was so tall, it seemed like it could touch the clouds.

He walked inside an went to the stairs. She followed. They walked all the way to the top, they entered a door and entered into a maze of hallways. Sasori lead them to a door that had wood much darker than the others. He knocked twice until he heard, 'Enter'.

There was Pein sitting at his mahogany desk. "Sakura-san...please sit." His voice was what felt like as deep as the ocean. She did as told and sat in a chair in front of his desk.

"I'll make this quick. We want to train you for the last part of the exam. This is because we want to help you become an ANBU. Then you can join the Akatsuki." He smiled a little bit at her furrowed eyebrows.

"Before I join. That's if I do. I want to kill Sasori. With my own bare hands." She said glaring at Sasori, who stood leaning against the wall by the door.

"Alright. If you have the chance to. Fine." He explained. "So you will start your training in the morning. Konan will lead you too your new room. In two hour she will lead you too the dining room where you will meet the other members."

She nodded and glanced at the door. Then a girl with purplish blue hair walked in. She was gorgeous. It made Sakura feel self- conscious. "If you would follow me." She even had a soft voice.

Sakura stood and followed Konan a few doors down. "This is your room. You do not have to share it with anyone."

"Arigato, Konan" Sakura whispered with a blank face, she started to walk into her room with Konan grabbed her wrist. Sakura's face snapped to her's.

Jade eyes met Gold.

"Sakura... I can see it in your eyes. Your broken, your spirit broken, and your heart has been ripped to pieces. I'm sorry for that. But here in Akatsuki, we are like a family. We will try to heal your heart. We will fix you I swear."

Sakura ripped her wrist from Konan and slammed her door. She walked in and looked around. A bed, desk, rolly chair, two doors. She walked to the door on the right. The bath room, just what she was looking for.

She slowly shut the door behind her and sank onto the floor. 'Sasori what have you done to me? Why do I deserve this?'

She slowly brought out her slightly pick kunia.


After nearly an hour and a half the job was done. Hundreds of marks on her wrists and thighs, blood on the floor. It looked like a murder scene. Sakura stood up quickly when she heard knocking on her bedroom door.

"Hey kid, I'm Kisame. I'm here to lead you to the Dining room. so you can meet us all." She heard the deep voice say.

"O-okay. Just a minute. You can sit on my bed." She said back. She heard her room door open and steps across her room until she bed squeaked.

She wiped up all the blood from her body and most of it from the floor. She threw all the rags away when done, then she quickly wrapped her arms and legs with bandages and opened the door.

"Whoa kid, you okay? Leader said you were pale, but not ghost white." Kisame said with concern laced in his voice.

Sakura walked to her door and motioned Kisame over. "Let's go. I'm fine."

"You sure?"



' No '


Entering the dining room Sakura saw every Akatsuki member around a large table. They were all talking amungst themselves. Kisame walked to a chair next to Itachi and sat down. There was only one chair left so she sat next to him and...

"What the fucking hell are you talking about old man?"

'H-Hidan?' She could reconize him anywhere especially with all that cursing. She suddenly stood up with her chair falling behind her. All eyes were on her. She started to get all her Chakra in her right arm.

She quickly pulled back her arm and then slammed it into Hidan's nose. He went flying back. He went through a wall. "WHAT THE FUCK BITCH!?" Hidan yelled.

"You destroyed my childhood, my future on a team, and you better be ready to die now fucker!!" Sakura yelled."Haruno illegal justu- Hakai-ken kōgeki!" [Destruction fist attack] her fists were surrounded with black flames and black lightning.

"SAKURA NO!" Sasori yelled. But she was already halfway across the room.

And once again she felt her arm go through another body. It went straight though his heart. "I know your immortal... so heal yourself ass."

She walked to what she assumed was the kitchen. Oh. She was right. She went to the sink and rinsed off her arm.

She then went back to the dining room and sat down. She leaned back and closed her eyes. She was nearly asleep when she heard a question from Kisame she would never be able to forget.

"Why is there still blood coming from the bandages?"

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