In Between Exams Battles!

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Sakura woke up in the hospital once again.




The heart monitor continued to Beep every other second. She felt the making of Chakra and a seal on her wrist. She glanced at the inside of her left wrist. And sure as hell, there was a small seal that looked like a flame. But it was was a nice teal color.

Then, the exhaustion hit her. She yawned and put a hand over her open mouth. She layed back down, and closed her eyes.


Sakura had been asleep for nearly 4 more hours.

And suddenly her eyes began to twitch. She was having a nightmare.

A voice began to call out to her "Sakura! SAKURA!" She could not see anyone but the voice did not stop. The voice rose in intensity and volume. 'It's so familiar.' Next thing she knew her feet were moving under her, and approached the light where the voice can from. But she objected, yelling, no she screamed, "No, No please!" Or "No please , I don't want to!"

Then the light disappeared leaving only darkness. Then out of no where a flash of light appeared. When her eyes adjusted to the light it faded away again, that's when she saw it. She was no longer shrouded in the shadow; no, she was back at her house. Staring at the two lifeless bodies on her floor.

The red crimson liquid covering the floor on which she stood and the searing pain in the head that was almost blindingly painful stood out in the dark.

She tried to scream, to cry out for help, anything. But her voice was gone only faint sobbing was heard somewhere in the distance.

"SAKURA! Your okay, just wake up!" She once again couldn't see who said this, but it was another familiar voice.

"Ka.... Kakashi? Is-is that you?" She yelled. She waited, but got no reply. "Please! Save me!"

The pain in her head was burning and she screamed again in pain, and finally woke up to a very, very big surprise.

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