Kisame, a brother.

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She took a long, hot shower. it felt great, her sore muscles lulled and the pain of her exercises numbed. She stepped out again, drying off with a blue towel. She slipped into a simple white dress, and brushed down her wet hair.

She relaxed happily, finding herself in the clutched of the soft bed.


She was training once again, and he noticed her increase of strength and decrease of general weight.


She could feel his eyes scanning her body again.

The silver haired man gave her a smirk. "Fucking nice."

"Say that to my fist!"

And he went flying across the Huge training room, slamming into the wall.

"Damn, that was a strong fucking punch, how much chakra did you have to fucking use?"Hidan yelled in question.

"None." She walked up the stairs and entered the hallways of the base, she wasn't lost. Just bored.

She felt worse than usual. The bags under her eyes were drooping and darker than average.

'Sake...Kisame.' Sakura walked to the living room of the base. She saw the large blue man on the dark colored chair.

"Kisame-san?" She called. He had his eyes closed, maybe he was asleep.

He opened his eyes, "What do you need kid?"

"Do you have any, uh..." She started to fumble with her words loosing her confidence. "Uh, sake?" She finished.

He seemed slightly surprised but walked to the kitchen that was just the room over, she followed. He oped the ceiling cabinet, and grabbed the blue shot glasses, serving glass, and the actual bottle of sake.

"Alright here are my rules for drinking kid." Kisame started to explain, "I'm fine with you drinking, but do it with me, and only me. I don't want you to drink yourself to death. Okay?"

"Alright." She answered back. "But these glasses are quite small, can we use ones that are larger?"

"Sure kid, but can you handle that much alcohol? This stuff is pretty strong." Kisame looked at her. 'Has she even drank before?'

Kisame grabbed some larger glasses and filled them both up. He put one in front of Sakura and observed her, she picked the glass up and smelt it.

There was no smell. She quickly downed the whole cup and Kisame looked surprised.

"Damn, I take it you've drank before?" He laughed.

"Well, when you study under the Hokage..." She didn't need to finish as Kisame poured her more, and more glasses. He too drank a little bit, but he intended to get her to talk about herself before he got drunk.


"But in my opinion," Sakura's words were slurred, "all this alcohol hurts less than all the emotional tears, and rips I've had." She was sitting on Deidara's lap in the living room.

Kisame had long since passed out on the floor with half as many drinks as her.

"Come on un, we better get you too bed, it's late." Deidara held her close and carried her to their room.

He layed her down and she was nearly asleep when he started to walk away. "Deidara?"

"Yeah, un?" He looked back at her.

"Will you stay with me? Please?" She had so much emotion in her sleeping state. Showing it didn't matter weather he left or not, becuase she was used to it.

"Of course... Sakura." He crawled in bed with her and held her. He wanted to heal her, fix her broken heart. And he would.

He promised as he went to sleep.


That's the sight Sasori walked into seeing when looking for Sakura. (To make sure she was safe becuase he found all the alcohol in the kitchen.)

She had a dark blush across her cheeks, her hair was ruffled, and she was holding Deidara's midsection.

While he held her tight, his chin rested on her head, and Deidara had a look of content on his face.

"Damn it Deidara... if you hurt her..." Sasori mumbled while walking away.

Sakura smiled.

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