Akatsuki pt. 2

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"It's nothing," she said.

"Let's start introductions." Pein said from the head of the table. "My name is Pein. I like My town-Ame. Next."

"I'm Konan, I like that I'm not the only female here, well, anymore. " She smiled.

"My name is Tobi! Tobi is a good boy! And Tobi likes Flower-chan's hair!" A man with an orange mask said.

"Zetsu. I like to Garden. I like to eat people." A half black and white man with golden eyes said.

"Sasori, I like puppets." Sasori said looking at the table. Unlike the others who looked at her eyes.

"Deidara! I love art! Because art is a Bang yeah!" He quickly tossed a piece of clay in the air and it exploded. He smile brightly.

Just like Naruto. She suddenly had a pang in her heart, she frowned and looked down.

"Hidan, I love Jashin-sama!" He said proud of himself.

"Kakazu, I like... money." He mumbled while counting a couple hundred ones.

"I'm Itachi Uchiha. I like Dango." Itachi said with a small, sad, smile. He knew he reminded Sakura of Sasuke. But he couldn't do anything but avoid her.

"Kisame Hoshogaki! I like to swim!" He smiled showing his sharp shark like teeth.

"I'm Sakura... I like... "She sigh. "Nothing."

"Okay, tell us about yourself first." Pein said.

She thought back to konans words.


"I'm broken. It's become obvious. I'm emotionally destroyed and there's nothing to do but watch as I fall apart. Each day I feel like I'm getting worse, while everyone else just gets better. I'm so alone in the world that it's starting to really get to me. I always have to remind myself that it's my fault for people not liking me. Its all my fault. I'm ugly and fat. There's no one to blame but myself. It's hard because no one knows the real me. No one knows what I have to deal with everyday. No one knows anything about me." She scratched her cheek and continued...

"The knew me as bubbly and happy and outgoing Sakura. But that's not even closed to who I am, that's just an act, a lie. People always tell me "get over it" but how can I get over something so cruel? I will never get over all the mean words said to me with the bullying.

I will never forget the pain I was in. I will never forget the nights and mornings that I was in so much pain I had to grab a razor and glide across my wrist, just so I can feel the pain that I deserve. I'll never forget all the nights I shoved a finger down my throat to make myself thin. I can't forget the day that I decided one bowl of oatmeal was enough for a day. I'll never forget the day my parents were brutally murdered, or there dead bodies on my floor. I won't forget the nights I cried myself to sleep with no one to tell me everything would be okay.

I won't forget the hundreds of cuts on my arms or legs..." Sakura slowly pulled the bandages from her wrists with a sad smile, she just stared at the blood still coming out. She put her arms in front of her with the her cuts towards them all. Konan had tears in her eyes. They ll had grim expressions accept, Kakazu, he just starred.

He had lost many friends from that type of thing. He didn't like people doing that to themselves. But it's not like he could stop her.

Deidara had a sad expression. He wanted to comfort her but he hardly knew her.

"I'm sorry. I'm being... dramatic. I'm going to go shower..." She tumbled of her seat, leaving the room, and not sparring them a second glance.


In the shower sitting on the tiled ground, she was trembling and looked so broken, with a shattered heart. No one could fix it. No one.

There was a knock on the bathroom door before it opened. Kisame. He walked to the shower and turned the water off. He slowly and gently picked her up and set her on the side of the bath. Her quickly grabbed a towel from the hanger and wrapped it around her.

He wasn't blushing or staring at her. And that's when he and Sakura felt a brother sister relationship between them.

Kisame lifted her chin and looked into her eyes.

Dead, empty, broken... but what scared hime was that they were... blank.

Kisame grabbed another towel in his arm, walked behind her, and started to dry her hair. "I didn't know if you brought any clothes in here so I brought you a shirt and stuff..." He said

He walked to the sink counter and grabbed his extra shirt and motioned for Sakura to put her arms up. She did and he put the shirt on her. He pulled her to stand up and he slid some boxers and a pair of shorts on her.

He was walking her to her bed when the seal on her wrist started to send Chakra into her system. Not just a lot, but too much.

Her eyes were blank as she crashed into him, only able to stand because he held her shoulders. "Hey Squirt, what's happening? You okay?!" He was yelling at her. Her legs were numb as she crashed onto her knees. He kneeled slightly in between her knees.

"What's happening to you? Why do you have much Chakra?!" She saw him with a worried face, but he sounded a million miles away from her. She felt her eyes roll to the back of her head, as she slipped from reality.

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