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Sakura awoke on a bed, a well reconized bed. She sat up and scratched at her forehead, and ran a hand through her long hair.

She slowly got up and stood, she walked out of the room into the large hallway. No one.

Sakura wandered around the hallways aimlessly, still not finding anyone. Until she turned to her right there was the kitchen, she walked in and turned on the lights.

Everyone. Every person of the Akatsuki was either laying on the floor, the table, or sitting but leaning on the wall. Blood. That was everywhere. Pooling around each body.

Itachi was the closest to her,"Itachi!" She yelled his flicked over to her, his Sharigan started to fade. The Kitchen Slowly disappeared, and they were in the forest. Still the same situation. She ran over to him, scraping her knees on cold, hard ground.

"Itachi! What happened?!" She started to heal the large gash on his chest.

"I'm sorry Sakura." And the tears formed in her eyes. As his breath started to slow, and his eyes shut.

"NO! ITACHI! PLEASE!!!" She yelled at him.

She continued to push healing chakra through his pathways as they start to close. She could feel the tears starting to come down her face. She sent out a net of chakra. No blanks. No other chakra. Everyone was dead but one.


She walked over to him. He wasn't too injured. But a kunai in the abdomen. Maybe he would loose a kidney, but that was all. She bent down and took out the kunai and started to heal him too. Once he was completely healed, not a single scratch, she layed down next to him.

Eventually she realized something.

Where would she go after this?

"Sakura? Un?" She heard Deidara's husky voice.

"Yes, it's me." She mumbled.

"Why did you heal me?"

" I had too."

"Where are we?"

"I don't know."

"What do you know?"

She looked around at all the faces she once knew, for a brief time, but they were supposed to be her family. "That the Akatsuki is dead."


Sakura pulled him up and held his hand as they walked. "Sakura, I'm in love with you. So let's go somewhere, a small village and stay there."

She looked down at Sasori's cold, lifeless hazel eyes. Then she looked into his silvery blue eye. "Okay."

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