Song of an Angel

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Chapter three.

Your Pov

You got back to the village and sat in a tree. You remembered the song that your mom use to sing when you get hurt. So you sang it.

(The song at the top)

I remember tears

streaming down your face

When I said, I'll never

let you go

When all those

shadows almost killed your light..

I remember you said

Don't leave me here


But all that's dead and gone and passed


Just close your eyes

The sun is going down

You'll be alright

No one can hurt you now

Come, morning light

You and i'll be

Safe and Sound


You gasped for air to sing the next line when someone made you stop. You turn your head and see Laurence staring at you!

"Huh? Oh! I-I'm s-sorry! Did I bother you?" You ask nervously. You blushed.

"N-No! Not a-at all! It's just that you h-have the voice of an angel!" he replied still staring at you. You blush badly.

"T-Thank you!" You look away and smile.

"N-No problem!" He said. You turned your head and say that his face was pink. Did he like me? No. That's probably not it. I mean, i'm not very attractive! Right? You think.

Is This Love? Laurence X Reader ~ Minecraft Dairies Fanfic &lt;3Where stories live. Discover now