A Date?

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Things to look out for...

(Y/N) = Your name

(F/C) = Favorite Color

(S/F/C) = Second Favorite Color

(H/C) = Hair Color

(E/C) = Eye Color

Quick note: Hello! Yes, I brought it back. One thing, I use Nightcore music cuz i'm freakin in love with Nightcore! >w< I just love anime! Okay? XD Okay, enjoy!

Filler: You get a village tour from Lord Levin so you get to know the place. You have been in the village for about a week now. Nothing exiting happens until this now! >w<

Chapter 10.

Your POV.

You go to your house and close the door behind you. It was 7:00 in the afternoon. You were really tired. You go over to your fridge (I know they didn't have them so deal with it.) Suddenly you hear soft scratches at your door.

"Huh?" You walk over to the door and open it. You look down and see a small white cat at your door. It looked hurt and hungry.

"Aww poor guy!" You say as you pick it up. The cat meowed. It had cuts all over it. You looked at the cat's face and notice that one eye is closed. You assume that it only had one eye.

"Don't worry i'll take care of you." You say as you walk the cat over to the kitchen. You look though your kitchen to find some food. Then you herd a knock at the door. You turned your head. You pick up the cat and walk over to the door and open it. You see that it is Laurence.

"Hello (Y/N)! I just came to check on you." He said.

"Hi Laurence. Uh... i'm a little busy here." You say and look at the cat.

"Sense when did you get a cat?" He said.

"Oh, he just showed up at my doorstep. I'm trying to help it out." You say.

"You need any help?" Laurence said.

"Sure!" You say. You go into your house and into your kitchen. You fed the cat some raw chicken and milk. Laurence helps you put bandages on the cat.

"There we go! Does it have a place to sleep?" Laurence asked.

"Well, I guess he can sleep with me." You say.

"How can you tell it's a he?" Asked Laurence.

"I don't know. I think it might be a girl though." You say. "I'm going to bed now. See you!" You walk up the stares and go to your room. You got in your bed and lied down. The cat cuddled up next to you.

"Good night little cat." You say. The cat purred. "Good night."

In The Morning

You wake up and groan. You get out of your bed and walk over to your mirror. As you look though the mirror you find that your cloths are a mess! You haven't changed for a while. You walked over to your backpack filled with cloths that Cadenza had made for you a few days ago. You put on a (F/C) shirt with a (S/F/C) Skirt and black boots. Then you put a (F/C) bow in your hair.

"This looks nice." You say. The cat jumps up into your arms. "Whoa! Calm down!" You say to the cat. It meowed. Then you herd a knock on your door. You open it and see that it's Laurence.

"Good morning Laurence!" You say with a happy tone.

"Good morning! Uh (Y/N), I need to ask you something." He says.

Is This Love? Laurence X Reader ~ Minecraft Dairies Fanfic &lt;3Where stories live. Discover now