4- Aphmau

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I've searched everywhere for that damn chicken, I always bring a random one but Castor always says it some chicken called either Sir Clucker or Chicky. Then again I've only brought him three chickens.

I still can't believe I was put in jail for no reason. I'm just glad Laurance came, I mean Garroth can be a big of a pain. Then again he always is.

Anyways I should continue looking for that chicken, how hard is it to find a chicken named Timberly. I just wish there weren't so many random chickens! I'm guessing they escaped from Castor, now that would be funny. He would lost some of his 'people' as he calls them.

I scoop up a chicken in my hands and head back to Castor's. I mean it should be Timberly, then again if he names all the chickens there will be like a one out of a million chance that this will be Timberly. As I walk to his house, I see a red piece of paper attached by the door with. It was a note, I read it carefully and gasp. What was he getting himself into.

Dear Bad Chicken House Builder's Daughter
I have gone to the Nether to search for Timberly by myself. You girl are a bad chicken finder and from now on that will be your name for me. No I know what you are thinking, 'I will go help Castor the amazing Chicken Shaman.' No you will not, I am going to do this by myself, I have gotten the materials to build myself a Nether portal and I am going far away.

This guy is going to get killed, what is he thinking going to the Nether! He's going to get himself and his chicken killed! Castor is a crazy Chicken Shaman! Castor is totally cho-cho!

I'll search around his house for the portal, I spot purple swirling mist coming from a hole in the ground not far from his house. It looks like the hole was a explosion. What does this guy do during his spare time!

I jump into the hole, the purple swirling mist is blinding. I should write to Laurance or even Garroth about me going into the portal. These boys though, what am I going to do about them.

I'll write to both, might as well. They're both my friends after all, even though Garroth can be a pain sometimes, a lot of times, pretty much every time I see him. I pull out a quill and two pieces of paper and get to writing.

Dear Laurance,
That crazy Chicken Shaman has gotten himself into really big trouble and I know that if I won't do anything he'll surely die. If he doesn't die by the Shadow Knights he might as well die by me. Laurance, Castor went into the Nether! It's up to me to save him, this is going to be hard.

Next is Garroth's, yay.

Dear Garroth
Castor the Chicken Shaman has gotten himself into some great big trouble and I am going to save him.
Not your Love

Now all I have to do is find him. I grab my diamond sword from my belt and rush into the purple mist, it's surrounding me on all sides. Hopefully this doesn't turn out to be a bad decision and Castor's already dead. I close my eyes, the purple mist getting foggy.

I open my eyes and am on the red rock of the Nether. Yeah I'm here, now to find Castor. Hopefully he hasn't gotten himself killed yet, if he has I will resurrect him and then kill him again because he is so idiotic.

As I rush towards one side of the Nether I spot the one place I was wishing I wouldn't have to go into. The fortress. The massive Nether Fortress. If Castor is in there, he'll be dead in a matter of seconds.

I rush into the fortress, slashing a few Shadow Knights with my sword as I go. I swear Castor is going to be the death of me! As I enter the fortress I can hear faint voices.

"Timberly, sh, you don't want to be dinner now do you?" Castor asks, his chicken.

What the Nether! Why is he talking to his chicken. I quickly rush up the stairs where I heard his voice come from, I hear a loud cluck. Definitely Timberly. I don't think there're any other chickens in the Nether.

"Oh look who it is, it's the Bad Chicken Finder!" Castor yells, "unlike you I found Timberly." Castor bends down and pets his chicken.

"I'm just here to get you out," I walk over to the cage they're in.

I quickly fumble with the lock and unlock it. That was easy, a bit to easy.

"Look who came to join us!" A evil voice roars, "It's little Aphmau!"

Great now I'm going to have to fight who ever this is. I turn around and am met with a unfamiliar face. It's a boy with dark brown hair and brown eyes. I grip my sword tight and watch his eyes. The man swings his sword at me, it missing me by an inch.

The man raises his sword high above me, it surely going to hit me now. I knew I would die by the Chicken Shaman! I close my eyes and raise my sword and try to block, I hear the clang of two swords, but I didn't get the impact. If I didn't who did?

I open my eyes, and there stands Laurance. His emerald sword blocking the man's Nether one. When did he get here? Has he been here the whole entire time?

"Aphmau go I've got this!" He yells, turning his head to the side slightly.

"Laurance!" I scream as Castor pulls at my arm, tugging me to the portal.


I feel tears form in my eyes, Castor pulls me alone, one of his hands on a lead for Timberly. We rush towards the portal and at this point tears fall down my cheeks quickly. As we get through the portal the purple mist disappears.

"No!" I cry.

Laurance is stuck in the Nether, till we can get him out. Tears fall down my cheeks faster as Castor heads back to his house.

I know that he risked his life for me.

Because I'm his best friend.

For that I thank him.


Okay so I have a poll for you guys for my next book, no it will not be taking over this one. I just want more verity on my Wattpad account, so here are the ideas I have for them.

1. A Garmau book called "A Hand to Hold"

2. A Different Garmau book called "Why Do You Wear This?"

3. A Laurmau book called "I'm Here For You"

4. A Five Nights At Freddy's Fanfic called "these White Stripes"

Put your favourite in the comments, you have two weeks to reply before I choose the one that gets the most votes. Bye

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