The date pt 2

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(Sorry if this chapter upsets any of you)

Jess pov

I was getting ready for the date. I got in the shower and then did what I needed to do and then I got out and dryed and I put on some pj shorts on and a pj top on and then went back into th bedroom and dat on my bed, o saw I had a notification on Twitter,I'm opened it up and saw them was more than 1

(A/n sorry if your Twitter name is used,
And I've changed jess Twitter name)

@ilovenicholas: @officialJess saw the news, you should have fallen and died, you can't sing.

@remirules: @officialJess you shouldn't be in the contest, you can't sings, do evreyone a favor and kill youself

@believeinlife: @officialJess you  need to leave the contest you are the worst, go die.

Their were like 5 more but I couldn't bring myself to read them, I throwed my phone across the. Room and broke down crying into my pillow. I didn't know what to do, I didn't know what to say, I didn't know anything. Maybe they were all right, maybe I should hav fallen and died. Maybe evreyone would be better off. Why did everyone hate me. Yeah like everyone gets hate but I've only been getting hate since I almost fell off the roof. I sat up on my bed and wiped my eyes that was it I was going to face the hate. I took a deep breath and stood up I got changed into my red dress which stops mid thighs and put on my white high heals. After getting dressed I sat at the dressing table and did my make up, I did smokey eyes and red lipstick and then curled my hair before putting my mascara on. I was soon ready, I put my phone away and walked out to the kitchen where Sam B was "well. What have you done with Jess" she laughs "I have decided to face the hate instead of takeing it to heart, and also I've got a date with Nicky" I say smileing just as Nicky walks in behind me "wow you look amazing" he says to me I smile and hug him and smile "ready to go" he asks me and I nod "have a good time" Sam says to us and I turn back and smile we go to the cinema and watch the film and then we go out for a candle lit dinner, we weren't ment to have relationships with other contestants but as long as we keep quite about or relationship we will be fine.

The date went by really we'll and soon it was getting late and we headed back to the house, "thank you for a lovely day" I say to Nicholas and he smile "it's alright, I had a great time with you" he says and I smile I couldn't believe it


Sorry for a lonnggggg wait
Hope you enjoyed

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