Telling you and falling for you

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Jess pov

Everyone was still here, we were eating and we were watching frozen, talking about stuff and playing 20 questions, again,

Once again I wasn't answering any of the questions, then they all started to ask me why I wasn't answering.

Then I stupidly brought up my home life, how my dad dosent really care about me, how I'm blamed for evreything when it's not me, how I'm made to stay home alone when mum and Ryan dose things together.

Nobody knows about that, nobody know about any of it, not even Remi or my key worker, I'd never told anyone, if I did I would most likely be taken away by social sereses.

Everyone looked at me confused as I explained, 'shit' I thought to myself I had just told about what I promised myself I'd never tell anyone.

I looked around as everyone looked at me, well they wanted to know about me and now they know to much, how stupid can I be. I couldn't bare anymore questions so in pain I get up running to the bathroom and lock the door leaning with my back agenst it. I sit there and start singing

"The snow glow white on the mountains tonight not a foot print to be seen

A kingdom of isolation and I looks like I'm there queen

The wind is howling like this swerlling storm inside couldn't keep it in heaven knows I tryed

Don't let them in don't let them see be the good girl you always have to be

Conseal don't feel don't let them know, well now they know,

Let it go let it go,

can't hold it back any more

Let it go, let it go

Turn away and slamb the door, I don't care what there going to say,

Let the storm rage on the cold never bothered me anyway

It's funny how some distance can make evrey thing seem small,

And the fears that once controled me, can't get at me at all

It's time to see, what I can do to test the limits and brake through,

No right no wrong no rules for me I'm free let it go let it go

I'm the one with the wind and sky

Let it go let it go yourll never see me cry here I am and here I stay

Let the storm rage on

My power flurries through the air and to the grand

I saw it sproling in frozen fractions all around and one thought crystallised is like an icy blast

I'm never going back the past is in the past

Let it go let it go gunna rise like the brake of dawn

Let it go let it go let perfect girl be gone

Here I stand in the light of day, let the storm rage on the cold never bothered me anyway" I sang while tears fall slowly and gently down my face,

How could I be so stupid, how could I tell people about things. I should have learnt not to trust anyone, not to tell them things about me until I know them fully.

Someone came to the door I heard the footsteps. The person knocked on the door.

" jess I know your in their, just let me in please" I couldn't quite work out who it was. I guessed it was Nicky as it was a boys voice

I didn't know what to say, I couldn't think of anything to say, I was too scared I just couldn't think

"Who is it" I called out, just to make sure who it was

"Nicky" he called back so I know who it was. I had guessed correctly.

"It's just you, none else" I ask quitely through the door.

"Just me none else" Nicky answers me and I unlock the door letting him in.

Nicky's pov

I went to the bathroom following jess. I couldn't just leave her alone, I had to make sure se was okay. When I got there I heard her singing, her voice is so beautiful just like her, and she reached all the notes I was amazed by her.

I knocked on the door when she had finished so she didn't know I heard her,

"Who is it" she called through the door.

"It's Nicky" I called back .

"It's just you, none else" she asked me quitely through the door.

"Just me none else." I tell her. I hear the door unlock then it opens slightly, I walk on and sit down beside her.

"You okay jess" I ask her and she just shrugs.

Jess pov

Nicky walked into the bathroom and sat down beside me

"You okay jess" he asked me but I just shrugged

"I honestly don't know, I just told everyone about home and I feel stupid for it, I just didn't know what I was doing, they were just asking me questions and I didn't answer any and I hair burted out about home and I promised myself I wouldn't tell anyone and what do I go and do I tell evreyone, I didn't mean to." I cry softly leaning my head onto Nicky's shouder.

"It's okay jess, Promice you that none will think of you any diffrent now you told us about your home life, and I Promice you that you are not stupid, you just had to get it of your chest" Nicky said to me and held me close. I felt safe with him,

Nicky held me close, and I cried into his shoulder, I felt safe and like nothing can get to me while he's around, like he can protect me, I couldn't help but think I was falling for Nicholas McDonald, he was only a friend a few days ago and now I think im falling for him.

"Jess can I tell you something" Nicky asks


Cliff hanger sorry,

What do you think Nicky wants to tell jess

Do you think it's bad or good







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