Hostpital and told to stay away

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Jess pov

I could feel people prodding me and pokeing me but I didn't know what was going on, my arm was hurting my foot was hurting too and I had a masive pain in my chest.

I opened my eyes and there was a bright light and the nurses and doctors sighed a relief. One nurse walked out and then came back in with Nicole,

"Your okay" Nicole said smileing.

"Jessica has a broken arm, she's sprained her foot and has broken ribs" the nurse said,

"Can she go back to the house" Nicole asked

"She can go home tomorrow afternoon but she will need go be with someone at every time of day for the next 4weeks." The docter explained

Sam baileys pov

I told evreyone that we were going to the hostpital and I told them that jess was in hostpital.

"Do you know what happened" Nicky asked me

"All I know is what Nicole told me which is jess was at the park and her old friend Remi attacked her" I tell Nicky and he nodded and we all headed to the hostpital.

Jess pov

I was lieing in the hostpital bed evrey time I moved my chest hurt but they would be because of my broken ribs. I was lieing there and thren everyone from the house walked into the room

"Nicky" I say sitting up and then moaning in a lot of pain.

"Calm down jess you need to get better no moveing so fast you would hurt yourself more" Nicky says comeing and hugging me gently

Luke and Sam c came and sat down

"How you feeling jess" sam C asks me

"Full of pain and anger" I say with a small smile

"Who did it to you" Nicky starts ,

"Who ever did it should better watch out" Luke said

"Remi did it to me, I thought she was my friend but I guess i thought wrong." I say sadly

"That's it none hurts out little girl without getting away with it" sam C said and I try and calm him down but i cry out in pain

A docter walked into the room and over to me

"jessica you need to come with me to get a cast for your arm" he said but I gave him a confused look I couldn't walk and when I moved it hurt .

"I can't walk and when I move it hurts." I say confusedly,

"I'll get you a wheelchair" the docter said and walked out and then back with a wheelchair. Nicky helped me out of the bed and into he wheelchair

"Can Nicky come with me" I asked the docter nodded and Nicky pushed me following the docter. I was told to put my arm onto a bed and then they plastered it and then I could go back to the room.

"Where dose Remi live" sam C asks me

"She is visiting her dad who lives at 17 blue street" I explain.

"Well pay her a visit with you tomorrow and well show her what she did you you" sam C says and I didn't bother fighting I know I would lose,

"Dose my mum know I'm here" I ask anyone who's in the room. It was all silent

"I guess not, could someone call her and let her know please" I ask

"I will" Nicky says and then grabs his phone.

"Her number is 07359993657(made up)" I say and he types it into his phone

Nicky's pov

I put jess mums number into my phone and then dialled the number, the phone rang and there was a soon answer

Jess mums pov

There was an unknowns number phone me I decided to answer it but I don't normally.

"Hello who is this" I ask through the phone

"Hello I'm Nicholas, I'm phoning you because your daughter Jessica asked me to let you know that she has been in an accident, she's got a broken arm, broken ribs and sprained foot" Nicholas said to me.

"Is she okay, what happened why didn't she call me herself" I ask Nicholas

"She needs her rest, she's coming out of hospital tomorrow and because she asked me to" Nicolas explains to me

"Okay, give her my love" I ask Nicholas.

"I will goodbye" Nicholas said and then hangs up. I was now worried about jess. I hope she was okay..

Jess pov

"What did she say" I ask Nicky

"She told me to give you her love, she sounded worried" Nicky explained.

--- back at the house the next afternoon ---

I was glad I could go back to the house but I had to be watched carefully, me and the boys sam, Luke and Nicky are going to Remi to show her what she did to me, I'm allowed to keep the wheelchair until I am ready to walk again which I hope is soon.

"Which road is it" sam C asks me while he drives I point to the left and he drives there and parks the car and they get out and help me out into the wheelchair. Nicky pushed me to the door.

I knock with my good hand and wait for someone to answer, soon Remis dad Richard opened the door.

"Jess long time no see, what happened to you" Richard asked me

"Remi attacked me and I want to ask her why she's changed, since I got to the life shows she's hated me" I explain to him,

"She told me that your the one that's changed on her, she said you don't text or ring her anymore, she said that you said you never wanted to see her again" Richard said.

" so I think it's best that you never contact her again, and you stay away from my house" he demanded and Nicky decided it was time to leave he rolled me back to the car with luke and sam C. I had tears welling up in my eyes.

"You okay jess" the boys ask me, I didn't say anything I just nod,

"Let's get you home" Nicky said helping me into the car and then sam C drove off. All I could think about is what Richard had said, how could Remi be such a bitch or mabey she's always been one but I never know, I just don't know, but I've got friends here, people that I hope won't betray me like Remi did.

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