Lifes tough we all know

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Thank you @scherzygirl for helping me again xxxx


Nicky's pov

I called Cheryl, getting her number from Nicole, and let if ring there soon was an answer

"Hello" Cheryl said

"Hi it's nicholas , I was wondering if you have seen or heard from jess" I asked Cheryl

"No sorry" Cheryl starts "wait why" she then says

" she's ran away, we can't find her in the house and we think she's gone somewhere but we don't have a clue where she is" I explain to Cheryl and then she tells me she will call or text jess and then get back to is and she would come to us.

Jess pov

I had arrived in town and seriously needed a drink, and I got a drink and drank it. When I finished I throw the can in the bin and then went to he park. I sat to one side.

The only thing I was doing was thinking

I had been out for ten (10) hours and it was now 11:30 pm and I was almost home, I opened the door as quietly as I could, and snuck in but as soon as I shut the door everyone rushed into the entrance.

My eyes were red and puffy, I still had the odd tears role down my face but not many, my mascara had ran all the way down my face and I looked a mess.

"Where have you been" sam C asked in a brotherly tone, but it also sounded worried, and a little angry.

"I've just been out, I needed some time to my self" I explained.

"You should have been back five (5) hours ago" sam B said which sounded like she's angry. I just nodded and then evreyone left it.

'I want a word with you in a minute' Nicole said taking me to one side

'Can I get changed first?' I asked

'Yeah, I'll be up in 5'

I went upstairs and got changed into my pyjamas, Hannah and Tamera were still downstairs. I went to go Into the bathroom to take my makeup off, when I was finished I got up from the dressing table and sat in the corner of the room. A few minutes later the door opened I'd got changed in the dark so I couldn't tell who it was. Then the figure turned the light on and I realised it was Nicole

'Hey' she whispered softly to me. I half smiled at her, I couldn't talk because my throat was choked up with tears. I sat on my bed cross legged and Nicole came over to me and sat on the edge of the bed next to me before wrapping her arms around me. 'I know what happened, about you nan'

'Wh- how?'

'Cheryl told me' I could feel anger boil up inside me

'I told her that in confidence'

'Shhh' she soothed me 'she was worried about you' I just shrugged my shoulders. 'Im sorry'

'My nan was the reason I entered the X factor, and now she's gone, I don't see the point in carrying on with it, with life' I cried

'don't say that, think how bad you'd feel if you just gave up like that, think how your nan would feel, knowing you gave up' she said, I could feel my mascara running even more.

'Also, I saw the towel in the bathroom' she said and I looked down disappointed with myself.

'I'm sorry' I whispered holding back the tears 'I had to, I wanted to see my nan again, and that was the closest I'd get, if I died, I would beable to see her again' I rested my head on her shoulder and she gave me a tight hug

That one word what changes lifes. (Nicholas mcdonald fanfic)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن