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Jess pov

I was sitting on my bed and even though I've only been here for three hours I feel home sick.

I miss my mum, miss my nan and even though me and Ryan argue and fight a lot I miss him.

I decided to put my headphones in and I turned my volume all the way up so I wouldn't be able to hear anyone. I sit in the bed with my knees right into my chest.

I missed some people from school but they were were only my form tutor, my key worker and my English teacher. They all helped me, my English teacher and key worker helped me get a c in my English language exam and one mark of a c in my English lit exam.

I was sitting thinking about evreything. When someone came and sat down beside me but I didn't look up or to the person. I was looking at my phone, the person sitting becide be tapped me gently. I tock my headphones out and turned the music if and looked up to see Nicky.

"Hi Nicky" I say quietly

"Hey jess you okay, you've been up here for the past two hours and we were all getting worried". Nicky Explain me that I just back down. I wasn't sure if I should tell him about meeting Remi and her lieing about visiting her dad.

"Yeah I'm fine, I'm just a little home sick, If I was home right now I would be visiting my nan in the nursing home she's in" I explain sadly, I miss them

"I just miss evreyone back home so much" I explain to Nicky .

"It's okay , if you need anyone to talk to there's always me, hannah, tamera or even the guys" Nicky explains to me

"Thanks" I say wipeing a tear away. Nicky was great by cheering me up.

"You want to come back down" Nicky asked me I shrugged

"Sure" I say standing up putting my phone in my pocket. And heading for the door.

I felt my phone in my pocket and I had a text I didn't bother checking it and just went down stairs and went to the kitchen where sam B was there makeing something

"What you makeing" I asked sam quitely.

"Cookies, do you want to help" sam B asked me

"I would but when ever I help with things it always turns out wrong" I say feeling like it was true, I was told its true by evreyone.

"I'm sure it doesn't turn out wrong," sam B said to me incoruageinly to me

"I'll help but if it turns out wrong then it's my fault" I says nurvesly. Sam B smiled knowing she had won at talking my into helping .

I wash my hands and then help sam make the cookies. We put the cookies in the oven and then I start washing up everything we used. Sam B dried up and then we both put evreything away. My phone went of again and I ignored it again.

"How you settling in then jess" sam B asked me

"Fine I guess I already miss evreyone back home, mostly my nan , if I was back home then right now we would be visiting my nan" I say letting a tear fall down my face.

--- when the cookies cooked ---

The cookies had almost cooked and then sam B and me both melted some chocolate I melted dark chocolate and sam B melted white chocolate.

The cookies were finished cooking and then we let them cook before putting white chocolate and dark chocolate onto of them both. Then they were done

"I told you they wouldn't go wrong" sam B told me and I smiled. I felt my phone again for thre third time but I ignored it again.

"It normally does go wrong " I explain shrugging.

I sat on the stool by the counter and pull my phone out to see three texts from Remi.

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