A broken promice

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Jess pov

Sam left and I shut the door again and leant on it so none could get in. I couldn't believe I had told someone else. I felt useless , I felt stupid.

Sam Baileys pov

I was going to tell Nicole about jess, what she's been doing about her being upset. Then atleast there's me and Nichole who can help her and not just me.

I picked up my phone and text Sharon

"Sharon it's sam, could you possibly give me Nicole's number I need to talk to her about Jessica" I send to her. I got a text back saying yeah and it had Nicole's number. When I had put Nicole's number into my phone i text her

"Hi Nicole it's sam B. I was wondering if we could possibly meet up so I can talk to you about jess" I send to Nicole

"Sure, in an hour" Nicole send back.

"Yeah here or somewhere else" I send

"At the house" Nicole sends me

I then wait for her to arrive

Nicole's pov

I got into my car and drove to the house to meet sam B. I went in and found sam B in the kitchen and I walked over to her.

"Hi sam" I say to her

"Hi Nicole, let's go to the liveing room" sam B says to me and we walk to to the liveing room and sit down.

"So what did you want to talk about" I ask sam b

Sam Baileys pov

"Well me and jess were just talking and then she ran off and when I was able to ask her what's wrong she said something about someone called Remi saying that none would miss her if she died then I saw sonething, I saw cuts on her arm, I think she self harms" I explain to Nicole

Jess pov

I decided to walk downstairs I really needed a drink. I walked down and hears sam b talking to Nicole

"She said something about a girl called Remi saying none would miss her if she died, then I saw somethig, I saw she had cuts on her arm, I think she self harms" I heard sam B say to Nicole.

I stood by the door listening to what they were being said. By now I wasn't happy that sam had told Nicole about this, yeah she knows about the cuts but she didn't have to know about what Remi had said.

I walk into the room and stand there cross armed . They didn't notice I was in the room so to make them know I was in the room I did a cough.

"Oh jess I didn't see you there" sam B said to me and I roled my eyes.

"You told Nicole what I told you, I told you because I thought I could trust you, I told you not to tell anyone" I said not only anger boiling up inside of me becuse she broke the trust but sadness and being upset.

"I'm sorry jess but I only did it because then me and Nicole can help, you don't have to go it Alone" sam B says to me.

"Help I don't need any help" I start furiously I wasn't very pleased

"I have coped untill how with out help" I admitted. I have coped untill now, but I hate admitting to someone, i never have admitted how i an feeling.

" you don't have to anymore" Nicole told me by now I was crying. It wasn't only tears of sadness but tears of anger and frustration because sam B had told something I told her not to tell.

" I know I just." I start nurvesley

"If I ask for help or ask if I could talk to someone i just feel weak" I explain to them both

"I find it hard to talk to people, to tell then how I feel" I say to them tears still falling uncontrollably down my face.

"It's okay, just Promice me you will talk to me or sam if you are feeling down or upset or try to talk to is then we can try and help you" Nicole tells me and i nod.

" I'll try" I say

"And Promice me you won't glam yourself again" Nicole tells me I don't know if I could Promice that.

"I Promice" I say without even thinking, I had to otherwise she wouldn't beleave me. Nicole came up to me, still crying I hugged her and she held me tight.

"I'm sorry" I mumble into Nicole's shouder and Nicole just rubs my back to calm me down . Which really worked

" you okay now" Nicole and sam asked me and I just nodded and go and sit on the sofa by sam B. I sat and pulled my knees into my chest and hugged them resting my head gently into them the odd tear rolling down evrey now and then.

Nicole's pov

Me and sam left the liveing room and then stopped by the doors

"Keep an eye on her please, I'm worried about her" I ask sam B softly.

"I will, I'll let you know of anything happens" sam tells me. And I smile I open the door and then leave the house and get into my care and drive back home.



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