A distressed jess

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The next day --

The next day I was being shaken awake, when I opened my eyes I saw Nicole standing over me

"Did you sleep their all night." She asks me I go to speak but nothing comes out

"Yeah" I try to say but no sound comes out

"You've lost your voice" Nicole asks and I nod, with a sad face

I pick my phone up and type,

"I slept here all night, couldn't sleep upstairs had nightmares but down hear I didn't,

And yeah must have been because of my rant yesterday, I hope I'm better for tomorrow" I type worrieing.

"You'll be on voice rest today if your voice comes back and tomorrow before the show" Nicole tells me and I nod

"May I put the tv on please" I type and then show Nicole what it said

" of course" Nicole says and I stand up and get the remote, I turn the tv on and then sit back down the channel that came on was the news.

"Yesterday at approxanitly 1pm jessica Blake contestant on this years Xfactor almost fell from a 4 story building" I heard the news presenter says

"We have Kimberley Nora who was on the scene yesterday, over to you Kimberley" the news presenter said and the screen went to a female who I guessed was Kimberley,

"The film one crew and I were driveing around town and we saw jessica Blake on the roof of a 4 story building, she was sat their untill Nicole scherzinger climbed out, we heard her shout 'go away' then it went quite for a while, soon after that we saw Nicole stand up and then Jessica followed after, suddenly we heard a scream and she had almost fell" kimberley said and then the story changed

I was sat their in shock, I didn't know anyone was watching.

I turn over the channel and once again the same story was on but it was worded differently .

"It was reported that yesterday afternoon, Jessica (I don't know her last name:)) from the X factor, almost fell from the roof of the dance studios. Mentor Nicole Scherzinger caught her. We don't know how this happened, her and Tamera Foster, another X factor contestant are currently staying at Nicole's, have they both fell out with Hannah? We'll have more later on" the reporter said we will have more to report on that later on

I I'm going to get changed" I tell Nicole and then walk upstairs and changed into my crop top and my dungerees with white convesis

sat on the bed with my phone in my hands, I got a text from Nicky.

From Nicky

Morning babes

Do you want to do something today xx.

I smile at Nicky calling me babes it made me happy

To Nicky

I'm on voice rest today if my voice comes back , but at the moment I have lost my voice.

But of corse id love to do something today

I then go over to the bathroom phone on the bed and then look in the mirror. I had hair clips with me and. Hair bands on my wrist,

I brushed my hair and then put it into a high pony tail and then put the pony tail into a bun, it was on the top of my head, I added a few hair clips and then I had finished.

When I had finished my hair I walked back into the room and saw my phone flashing, I had a text from Nicky

From Nicky

That one word what changes lifes. (Nicholas mcdonald fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now