First live show

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Jess pov

I wasn't going to take them, I hate taking tablets, they make me feel sick, even if I need to take them i do but I hate it.

When we got to the house I went straight to the living room and curled up on the sofa I was freezing but I couldn't be asked to walk up to my bed.

"Jess you going up to your room or staying down here" sam B asked me. I was shivering still.

"I'm staying here" I yawn.

"I'll go and get you a blanket and pillow, I'll stay down here with you" sam B says and I nod yawning again and curl down even more. It was half one when we got in and then when sam came down it was 1:45.

"Thank you sam" I say lie back down and cuddle down into my blanket and pillow. I soon fall asleep. By soon I ment half an hour later. It was 2:10 when I got to sleep.

Nicky's pov

I had to apologise to jess today, I didn't mean to get angry at her yesterday.

Sam B pov

I woke up and saw jess was still asleep, it was early and she did get to sleep late, she got back with Nicole and Sharon at 01:30 and didn't get to sleep untill 02:10 so I wouldn't expect her up much before midday, but I'll tell evreyone to be quite so she can sleep.

Jess pov

For the first time in ages I've not had a nightmare. I was cuddled up on the sofa still and was still fast asleep.

Nicky's pov

It was 9am and I walked down stairs after getting changed. I walked into the liveing room and saw jess sleeping on the sofa, then I saw sam b sitting . Beside her.

"Is she okay" I ask sam B

"She didn't get to sleep untill 2:10 this morning, Sharon and Nicole had to take her to the docters" sam b explains to me.

"Why did she have to go docters" I ask sam.

"In think its best for you to ask her yourself" Sam b tells me

"She won't talk to me because I shouted at her yesterday." I moan childishly.

Jess pov

I woke up feeling cold. and saw Nicky, samB, samC, hannah, luke and the boys from kingsland road all sitting in the liveing room.I sat up shivering and pulling the blanket tight round me.

"Did you have a nice sleep" sam B asked me. I nodded shivering still. I reached into the bag with my vitamin sweets and tablets in but I only take one of the sweets and they tasted horrible, sam B gave me a look but I ignored

"What are they for" samC asked me

"To get me better" I say.

--- a week later ---

I hadn't been takeing the tablets and I think I'm getting worse, I feel frozen evrey second of the day, tomorrow is the day of the first live show. This weeks songs from the. 80s

I've been practising my song a lot I am singing 'our house' by madness. When Nicole told me the song I was singing I was so happy, I love the song and I kinda already know it of by heart because I've played it loads of times already before the shows and before I auditioned.

I was sitting in the living room on twitter I had loads of good luck tweets from people. I had a good luck tweet from Cheryl cole. I was suprised, I idolise her and she tweeted me

From @cherylcole

@thesingingqueen good luck in the first live show tomorrow xx

From @thesingingqueen @cherylcole thank you, can't wait to sing tomorrow xx

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