The arguement with nicky

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Jess pov

Nicky wanted to tell me something and I had no clue what he wanted to ask.

"Sure tell me anything" I say unsure if I wanted to know but I just listened.

"Ever since I met this girl, I've found her attractive, I have had a huge crush on her since I met her a few months ago and I don't have a clue what to do or how to tell her" Nicky explains to me and my heart melts, he Dosent like me he likes someone else, I know he would never like me though.

"Sorry Nicky I don't know what you can do" I explain to him and he nods. We both stand up and we walk done the stairs back to the liveing room.

Nicky's pov

I told jess about the girl I like and she couldn't figure out that it was about her. It was her I had a crush on but she doesn't know it is her.

Jess pov

I went and sat down beside Nicole and sam C, I had my phone out and was playing candy crush, I was bored.

"Jess, you okay" sam C asked me

"I'm fine, sorry for freaking out earlyer" I say

"I didn't mean to Burt everything out about me, I just couldnt think straght with all the questions and I just lost it" I say to evreyone.

"It's alrighty" they all said and I nodded

Nicky looked like he was angry at me or something,

Nicky's pov

I still couldn't beleave jess didn't tell me about her life, it told her about mine.

"We said we could trust each other" I snapped at jess and she jumped back

"We can trust each other"she said worrieing .

Jess pov

"We can trust eachx other" I say with worrie in my voise I didn't know what to say

"Then why don't you tell me things" Nicky shouted at me, I could Handel with the shouting I stood up not thinking what I was doing and I hit Nicky with my cast and caused his nose to start to blead.

Nicky's pov

Jess hit me with her cast and she caused my nose to blead I didn't know why though

" then why didn't you tell me about your home life, why did I have to wait untill you lost it when evreyone was asking you questions to find out" I snap at her,

"It was something that I had never told anyone Nicky and I wanted it to stay that way" jess snaps back evreyone was looking at us but I was just furious that Jess didn't trust me .

"You could have told me , you could trust me, you said that you trusted me but I guess you don't" I snap back to her.

"you know what, just forget it , forget all of it" jess snaps and them storms towards the back garden.

Jess pov

"You know what, just forget it , forget all of it" I snapped at Nicholas and then stormed of towards the back garden, I need time to myself right now.

I think my brother was right, I do have anger issues, I get angry easily and I just blow . I just lose it and I can't help it .

I went to the back of the garden and under the tree and sat so I was facing the fence.

I got my iPod out my pocket and put my music on, I played do you want to build a snow man, someone like you, and human. And I just sat there letting the music play one song after another. I didn't want to talk to anyone.

Lukes pov

"Nichols what was that for" I asked Nicky confused.

"She said she could trust me but she didn't tell me this, I told her about my home life and she just blocks me out, I just got angry" Nicky explained to me.

"You shouldn't have shouted at her though, she's had a rough couple of days and she just probely needed to settle in a bit more so she can get to know us more and then she woukd have told you" I explain to Nicky

"Yeah I justs thought she could trust me" Nicky says.

Jess pov

I heard people shouting my name as they came out of the house to the garden. The voices all sounded like girls there must have been Nicole, Sharon, hannah, tamera, Shelly, sam B, and then I heard two other voices they didn't sound like girls they must have been Louis and Gary,

"Jess where are you" tamera shouts

"Where are you jessica" Gary shouts,

"Come out jess please" hannah shouted

"Jess sweetie come out" Nicole shouts.

"Jess hun where are you,, come out" Sharon shouted

"Jess where are you, please come out" sam B calls

"Come on jess please come out, Nicky didn't mean any of what he said" Louis calls out to me even though none know where i was,

"Jess please come out and talk to us" Shelly calls. I just sit there not answering anyone or talkinng to anyone I pear my head round but someone sees me and they all come over to me

"You gave us a fright there" Nicole said to me.

"Sorry I just needed some time to myself, I got angry when Nicholas was shouting at me and. When I hit him I didn't mean to I was just angry, he thinks I don't trust him but I do, I just never wanted anyone to know about it" I say looking down, I thought the grass looked extremely fastanateing that was why I was looking at it.

"It's okay, you want to come in or stay out here" they ask me,

"I really want to go to bed" I say yawning.

"Come on then let's get you to bed" they say to me

"Could someone help me with my arm" I ask. Them

"You choose who you want to help and we'll see who will help" Shelly says.

"Sam will you help me please" I ask sam nicely

"Of corse" sam says and we go up to my room I grab my mini mouse pj bottems with my mini mouse pj top and then sam helps me get changed and she tucks me in like my nan used to do.

"Thank you sam" I say with a smile

"It's fine" she says to me

"Night sam" I say before lieing down

"Night jess, don't let the bed bugs bite" she says and I giggle and then cuddle down with my pink elephant teddy and I fall asleep .

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