Rosanne {1}

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I WOKE UP SHIVERING and sweating again.

The ache in my chest told me I was out of breath.

No matter how big I opened my mouth, I just couldn't inhale.

I grabbed my neck with both hands in desperation. Wanting to somehow force the oxygen to fill in it.

Tears pricked in my eyes due to suffocation. My body started convulsing still no amount of air entered my lungs.

Why can't I breathe! Just let me breathe!

I knew it won't be long now.

Just a few more minutes and then I will die. Leave this world forever. But strangely this didn't feel any new to me.

My mind suddenly went from panic into a calm mode. Accepting my end.

It felt too familiar, like my mind knew how it was like to die and so it was preparing my body.

As if... as if I have died before.

Though it seemed like my body had its own opinion. It just won't listen to my mind. It didn't want to quit yet.

All my limbs flayed out and started shaking violently to get hold of something. Anything.

One of my hands caught something on my night table.

Just two second before it went down, I realized it was my orange juice which I hadn't finish before sleeping.


The anticipated sound of the breaking of glass came much later than expected.

Maybe because I was in my last moments that everything suddenly went into slow motion. Or maybe it was just my brain messed up with adrenaline that my senses became faster than a vampire.

Everything was crystal clear to me. All my senses at their max.

I could hear it when the even rhythm of breathing on the next bed stopped.

Shuffling sounds from the bed came followed by a snap of air on the side of my face which told me that covers were withdrawn from that bed.

A heavy sound alerted the placement of a foot on the floor. Thud. Another foot. Thud. Then footsteps. Thud thud thud.

Someone was running towards me. Sadly, it was too late. I knew I was going to die.

Slowly, too slowly, someone lifted the covers from my body.

Faint sounds of my name being called repeatedly registered in my ear. I focused hard to clear the blurry vision of my eyes.

If I was dying then I wanted to leave the world with a memory of one last sight.


That was what I saw.

That was going to be the last sight.

It was clear blue, light yet so rich with perfect flecks of grey. Just like after the rain, when the clouds dissolved and the sky began to clear.

It was a beautiful view to look at in my last moments.

I thought how lucky I was to die so beautifully, watching such a serene vision.

Although there was something different about this sky than the one I saw every day.

This one had a certain feel to it. I could almost see an emotion in it.

No, not one but many emotions.

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