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So here's the cover of the book "The Brooke"

Yes, it's the woods where Level Two is going to take place.

Are you guys ready?

Enjoy Reading XD!

THE BELL TO OUR destruction rang once again.

It was the same bell that rang before, when it marked the beginning of first level.

The same petrified sound, one of a dying animal that was crying and screaming in agony.

But not for help, it sounded like the tortured creature was crying for the end to come quickly.

For the death to come and take it's pain away.

The starting bell of the levels in itself was a healthy dose of fear.

It warned us to not underestimate the games, the levels. It cautioned us of what we were going to face ahead.

I wished that I could stand here forever, analyze more about the sound of the bell and how it impacted on each individual.

Sadly, that wasn't an option. There was only one thing to do.

The race had begun for the second time. I needed to run.

But I was so scared, shameful to admit so, from the last time. The horrors of Level One were still fresh in my mind. Along with the heartache of losing Gracie.

Who are we going to lose this time?

I swept my gaze at each of my newly-formed friends.

I didn't want to lose anyone of them. But as much as it hurt my pride to admit, I couldn't save all of them.

That didn't mean I won't try though. Even if I had to die for that, at least I'll die trying.

Funny how all this went through my mind in just a mere second.

Seriously, not kidding.

The analyzing of the bell sound, the fear from previous level, my promise of helping others.

All of these thoughts occurred one after the other within a second.

Because in the next second, as soon as the bell died out, I was running again.

This time there was no snow, no bloodbath, no disgusting remains of the dead.

Just woods, dense woods, with lush greenery that appeared to be blackish under the soft moonlight.

Nonetheless, it was a healthy form of nature. Much, much better than the last arena.

My shoes hit the hard, grassy ground as I criss-crossed through the thick branches of the trees.

I had never been into woods. My parents were never a big fan of camping or hiking.

Though I once went with Arianna for trekking. But that was all.

My only contact to the true wilderness of nature had been through visual reality.

Televisions, computers, internet videos and images.

I had always been mesmerized by the forests and woods.

In fact, I wanted to be a wildlife photographer.

It was my dream to capture the dangerous yet serene beauty of nature in its truest, wildest form.
People often told me how I walked like a ghost.

They would actually freak out at me silently walking behind them. I never did it purposely, it was natural.

Maybe I could use ability on animals too. Snap pictures of them when they are totally unaware.

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