A Warning

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For all those who are totally shipping Delaria <3

This pic is from Level Three!

Enjoy reading XD

A LOUD PIERCING SCREAM alerted us, causing everyone to run in that direction.

It was Angela who had screamed.

We found her standing behind the trees, a little further than where our temporary camp had been set up.

She appeared to be shock, shaking violently as she pointed a trembling finger in front of her.

Naturally, my eyes followed her finger's way.

And there he was.

Another lost hope, another death, another loss of life.

I recognized him as the Stupid Boy.

His death was different and had a deeper impact on all of us because he didn't die while surviving.

He died while running away.

It had been two days since Level Two had ended.

The morning following that unforgettable night was spent in discussions and arguments of whether to start moving or not.

Apparently none of us had enough courage to face another level yet.

Not even me.

That was when Stupid Boy had exploded. All the horrors and sufferings finally caught to him and he broke.

He snapped.

"I don't know what you guys are thinking, but I'm not crazy enough to play one more of their disgusting levels. We'll all end up dead by the final one." He had said.

"Then what do you suggest we do, huh?" Someone had asked him.

"We do nothing. We don't participate anymore. We screw this contestants bullshit and hunt for an escape instead of a bloody checkpoint."

"That's what we have been doing. But we haven't found any escape yet. Only check points. We don't have any option but to participate in the race."

"That's because we have been all going forward. There is no escape ahead, just more destructive levels. What if we went back?"

"You mean back in those woods? Then you somehow planning to climb over the mountains, survive the bears and find your way back to BMHS?" I had intercepted.

He looked at me as if I was the stupid one here.

"I am not crazy to go back to BMHS. But there has to be a way out of the Brooke somewhere here."

"And how do you plan to find in that out?" That had been Delos.

"I don't know. I just know I can't survive another level."

Lucy joined in too. "Well, neither can we. But we have no choice here. So we are toughening it. It's better if you also stop whining like a kid and suck it up."

"I'm not going ahead and that's final. I will search for an exit even if I do that alone. Best of luck."

He hadn't waited for anyone to speak anymore and ran away.

Going back instead of ahead, just like he'd said.

We hadn't paid much attention to him.

Thinking that he just needed some time to cool down and that he would return in a few hours, we had continued our discussion of staying of moving.

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