Miraculous Disaster

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Wait! What is happening in this pic? Rosanne is drowning? :O

How? Why? When did this happen? Where is Delos?

Oh god some one please save Rosanne!

Meanwhile you all enjoy reading XD

The tiny yet lethal creatures crawled towards us in hundreds of dozens.

But we were prepared.

This time we all were angry enough to stand against the Race  as one.

To fight back.

That didn't mean we weren't scared.

At least I was.

Was it due to the whole Pinnacle Race or just because of these disgusting reptiles, I couldn't say.

But I was scared.

However for now, I had to swallow my fear and let my anger take up.

So that's what I did.

Delos raised his knife and ran forward.

We followed his lead.

Those who were not injured enough from the acidic rain also joined us.

We were all ready to be ruthless. To let our ferocious sides out. To be the primitive humans Brooke forced us to be.

And coincidentally, we were in a cave too.


Delos stopped a feet away from our new enemies.

The rats that looked so cute, I didn't have the heart to butcher them, were closing the gap fast.

"Do we really have to kill those rats?"

"Yes. Else they'll eat us out."

Ugh! Why do the most dangerous creatures have to look most appealing?

Nature was sickly twisted in its own way.

Take Delos for example.

Anyone who doubted if he was dangerous enough or not was an idiot.

Yet he was so beautiful. From both inside and out.

"There are too many Delos, we need to divide." Brandon said.

Delos nodded in assertion. "You're right. How many of us are willing to fight?"

I turned around and counted. "Nine. Three are still recovering from the rain."

"Aria and Brandon take three more with you and take on the walls. You'll be dealing with the spiders. Garrett you and two more will stay here with me to fight the rats."

I picked out Emily and two others, leaving Lucy and Jared with Garrett and Delos.

Just before going I added one more thing. "Guys, please don't let any of these go near the injured contestants."

Thankfully, they all nodded in agreement.

I turned and followed Brandon who was dictating our positions at the walls.

"Aria?" Delos called.

I glanced in his way. He was still facing ahead. His concentration zeroed on the rats.

"Yeah?" I asked.

"Be careful."

Would I be considered crazy that I was suddenly grinning from ear to ear at such a crucial moment?

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