Rosanne {3}

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Poor Rose having nightmares :(

Enjoy reading ahead though XD


I knew for a fact something happened between me and Diego.

He just won't look me in the eye.

I must have said something I didn't mean to. Or done something.

Maybe I fought him in my dreamy state and hurt him somewhere.

I'm such a mess. Why does he put up with me?

Didn't matter now.

Because I knew he would be looking for another room now.

He obviously wouldn't stay with me if he couldn't make eye contact with me. I must have done something terrible.

I wanted to ask him what was wrong, if only he would stop avoiding me.

I couldn't remember anything about last night after going to bed.

Usually I would wake up in his embrace after the dream. But I don't remember anything like that happening last night. Only the dream.

The dream.

I remembered it. This is the first time I remembered what I saw. Not just senseless bits and pieces but the whole dream.

And I remembered him.

I remembered him so well.

I remembered his eyes, grey eclipsing the blue.

Fear and resignation so sharp in them that it breaks my heart every time I remember it.

His face filled with agony as he brought his lips to mine for the last time. His arms caging me in before finally releasing me forever.

We were supposed to die together, but he betrayed me. He left me alone. That was all I knew. That was all I remembered. That and his name.


I also remembered the last words he spoke in my ear.

"I love you. I'll always live in you, just like you'll live in me."

With that, he had left me forever alone in the darkness.

Left me unprotected. Left me to die.

But what bothered me the most was his resemblance to someone I knew.

His face was strikingly familiar, so was his voice and his touch.

He looked just like Diego. Just like his carbon copy. Almost as if they were the same person.

I had to talk about this with D. He couldn't avoid me forever.

I woke up this morning to find that he was already gone. I tried catching up with him in between the classes. Thrice.

Thrice I tried and thrice he said the same thing. "Not now, Rose. Later." Without looking at me.

I get it that I must have done something to piss him off but he needed to understand that I wasn't aware.

I couldn't be responsible for what I do in my sub-conscious state.

My sub consciousness.

It felt so weird saying that out loud. Like that part of didn't really belonged to me.

Ughh. I was going mad.

As much I liked to over analyze everything I had to stop. Else I'll be soon in a mental asylum.

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