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My version of BMHS assemble hall. Do you have something else in mind? Please let me know by commenting.

Enjoy reading XD

I WAS SITTING IN our room when Beth finally came back.

"I had a feeling that you are stupid. Now I know for sure."

That was the first thing she said to me after staring at me straight for ten minutes. Like she was trying to figure out which planet I had come from.

I simply shrugged. "At least now I can figure out what really happens to those contestants."

"By being one of them!" She hissed at me "Have you lost your goddamn mind?"

I snorted bitterly. "If I didn't know any better, I would've have said you care for me."

I didn't know where it came from. It was a pretty mean thing to say. But I was currently drowned into my own messed up mind.

"Wow! I didn't know you could be such a bitch."

I shrugged again. "Well know you know."

We stayed silent for a few minutes.

She came to sit on the edge of my bed. This was the most close she'd come near me.

I think it was pity. I usually hate it and I wanted to tell her that I didn't need it but I wasn't feeling anything at that moment.

Like anything at all!

Maybe I was still in shock, or just numb.

I couldn't divert my gaze from the imaginary spot on the bed sheet as I kept staring at it blankly. Maybe I had finally lost it.

"They never returned back." Beth finally spoke out after what seemed like decades.

"Who never returned?"

"The participants. We don't know who won the previous games or what happened to others who didn't win. Just that they never came back to BMHS. They just... disappeared."

I let her words sunk in deep. Then I finally sighed dejectedly. I was so tired of this.

"Well staying here is no better than hell. At least I'll have a change of place."

She looked at me for a few long minutes again. Her eyes staring deep into mine.

Her face showing number of emotions that seemed so unfamiliar on her.

Any emotion on her face seemed unfamiliar, period.

Surprise, wonder, amazement.

"You're still so optimistic. After everything they have done to you, you haven't broken a bit.
Instead you had the courage to question the Headmaster in front of the whole school, even though it got you into trouble."

"Uhm.. thanks?"

"I wasn't complimenting you Aria. Not really. I just think if there were more people like you here. We could've stood against them."

"I think we still can. There are so many of us and just a handful of them."

She blanched.

"You really think others would even think of standing against them in their dreams? You have seen how other students are here, Aria!"

"Not everyone is in the worst condition." I tried to reason with her. The thought of revolting excited me.

"The staff is like what here? Ten? Fifteen? Even fifty of us would suffice. We could easily take on them."

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