My Savior

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The bears are coming. Run! Run! Run!!

Enjoy Reading XD


He was only a few feet away from me.

And the beasts were closing the distance now. Coming nearer towards us.

Another helpless cry spread through the mountains. This time it was of a boy.

His agonizing screams embedded in my soul, crawling deeper.  The sounds of tearing of limbs mixed with devilish roars.

A few more steps. I could do this. I could save us both.

I covered the last inch of distance between us and grabbed onto his hand, hauling him to stand.

"Come on get up! Get up!" I screamed.

Jared latched onto my hand. Forcing his body to stand. He tried once and stumbled.

Leave him just go. Go before it's too late. GOO!!

I ignored that voice and concentrated more on helping him.

Have you lost your mind Rosanne? Do you have a death wish?

Maybe I have lost my mind. Maybe I really had a death wish.

What could be the other possible reason for me to help my bloody rapist? No matter he was forced or not.

"Come on Jared. Get up. Try once more. They are coming, they'll kill you. You understand? You'll die!"

Perhaps you need to understand you'll die too, Rose!

My thoughts broke their train when a strong muscular arm grabbed Jared from the other side and helped him stand.

With support from each side, Jared succeeded this time and stood.

But we had no time to celebrate our little victory.

Because we were still in danger. Still in risk of becoming a means of food to the bears chasing us.

Our helper seemed to have the same thoughts.

"Let's go. We have to keep moving." Delos screamed.

Bending a little and snaking his arm into Jared's side, he started running, giving me no choice but to follow.

So, mimicking his moves, I supported Jared's weight and continued to run.

It wasn't as easy as I'd thought.

In fact, it wasn't easy at all.

Running together in a trio, with half of the weight of a healthy young man on your shoulder, proved to be extremely difficult.

All I could think was that we won't make it.

We won't make it in time. They'll catch us.

They'll crush us into their holds.

They'll sink their teeth into us.

Tear us apart, eat us, destroy us, kill us.

The more I thought about it, the more I panicked.

Yet I kept going.

Adrenaline, instincts, and survival mode kept me pushing my legs faster and harder into the ground.

Still, as I ran, I couldn't help but wonder that why Delos had come to us?

Surely I saw him crossing me, running ahead of me.

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