Diego {8}

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Diego is going insane learning about The Brooke!!

Enjoy Reading XD


Jesus Christ!

Shit shit shit. SHIT!!

What. The. Fuck.

Somebody please tell me this is a prank.

I don't know, I don't care. I just wanted someone to tell me it was all a stupid joke.

A sick fucking plot that Jared, Rosanne and Delos were playing with me.

My brother had not been missing from past four years possibly stuck into the torture-land.

He must be somewhere here, watching me fall for his ploy.

Rosanne had not been to The Brooke. Her nightmares were not about it.

She was just a great actress. She couldn't have gone through so much and still have the courage to act all normal.

Jared was not the fucked up guy from the same place. He was just a hired help by Delos and Rosanne.

I could've given everything to that person who would've told me all this.

That this was the truth and not what Jared had told me.

Because that version of the truth... it didn't really seem like the truth.

It was unbelievable. Horror-stricken. Gut-churning. Heart-wrenching.

But I couldn't avoid the obvious signs.

Four years of missing were no joke.

Especially when Delos had just disappeared in thin air with no clue to anyone.

Rosanne's nightmare and panic attacks were no joke.

Especially when she was practically lying of her death bed in a hospital.

Jared's tortured eyes when he recited the Pinnacle Race was not funny either.

Especially when he had almost cried at certain intense points.

Neither was Arnold's vanishing into thin air a joke.

Especially when I had personally witnessed that scene.

It made my chest filled with pride to listen how strong Rosanne and Delos were till the end.

Especially Rosanne.

I noticed that whenever Jared spoke of her, a particular expression of awe and respect lightened up him while face.

He admired her a lot. He treated her like she was his hero.

And from the tale I had just listened, if it were true, then she was my hero too.

Just when I thought I couldn't fall for this girl anymore, I was proved wrong.

She was beautiful, strong and so fucking brave.

She had saved and protected people time and time again. Never leaving anyone behind. Including my brother.

And now when the time had come for me to protect her. I had failed, resulting in her hurting so deeply.

I queried my eyes shut in agony and despair.

Praying to every god of every myth, I hoped she would be alright.

Else my fury would be much greater than that of Thor's.

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