Rosanne {7}

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Look at the media above in this chapter... Our sweetheart Diego is crying for Rose :(

I cried with him too :'(

I floated away in nothingness.

Time didn't matter here. Neither did victories or defiance or love.

Only one thing mattered.

One thing that was now my ally, my enemy. My paradise, my hell.


It had become my second home.

How many times have I been engulfed by its wings only to thrown back into the worst form of reality?

My lungs were heavy, my body on fire. I existed on the brink.

The brink of slipping far, far away and never coming back.

Why should I come back, for whom should I?

I had no one to fight for.

My parents were dead. My aunt didn't care about me. Arianna had left me a long time back.

So who was worth fighting for?

I didn't get my answer.

But I did get one another thing.

In the darkness, one thing did come out to seek me.

Lifting the black away, brightening it into a unique shade of blue mixed with grey.

I recognized it from somewhere, but couldn't bring myself to spot it.

I knew it was sky.

Nothing could look more beautiful, more enchanting than this light blue color filled with perfect mixture of grey soothing clouds.

In another life, this color used to matter to me. A lot.

Why? I didn't know.

I just knew this color might be sole reason for wanting me to fight back.

Or it might help me vanish forever.

I wanted so much to vanish.

I wanted freedom from pain. Sanctuary from agony.

I wasn't strong enough to live with such soul-crushing torment.

But no matter how hot and flaming my pain became. No matter how unbearable it was, I couldn't die.

I refused to die. To vanish away.

I had made a promise to Beth. I intended to keep it now that I remembered it.

Didn't matter if it was too late.

I would still end them.

After that I could go to rest forever.

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