Final Level

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So the Race with Delos are finally coming to an end :(

I'm almost sad. Almost because Delos going means Diego coming :P

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IT WAS THE NIGHT before the fifth level. The final level.

We had walked for days in silence.

Brandon had yet to utter a word.

We were all shocked at his reaction on Emily's disappearance.

No one had ever suspected anything going on between them.

Her loss hung deep over our decreased group.

Garrett was another story.

Everyone had seen him dying. Seen him choking in the pool of blood.

His death was grieved by all of the seven contestants left.

Five from our group and two others.

There were less frequent breaks for rest now.

We all had come so close to ending this, witnessed so many deaths, lost ourselves so many times trying to survive that we just wanted it to end.

In morning, we had finally tumbled upon the sign board indicating the fifth level up high at the peak of probably the highest mountain in the Brooke.

Our trekking had ended by the late evening as soon as we reached the final checkpoint.

But we were all exhausted and in no set of mind to be ready for another level. The last one.

My insides shook up trying to think what this level could possibly hold for us.

Running, flying, falling, burning, drowning. We had done it all.

Polar bears, rats, spiders, snakes, electric eels. Now which animal threaten us to be their prey?

About half a mile ahead from the check point, a source of light was visible.

Lucy took out her binoculars and saw through it.

"It's a house. A small building like structure. The top floor lies at the pinnacle." She had said.

"That must be our final destination."

"Please don't name that movie. This whole thing is spooky enough anyway." The remaining girl said.

She looked scared and out of her mind. Her pupils were dilated and she let out strange noises every now and then.

Couldn't blame her. I was myself on the verge of a breakdown.

If it hadn't been for Delos, I might have been worse than this girl.

"I'll go and check with Jared what's in that house." Delos suggested.

"No!" I objected abruptly.

"Just to be alert what's in there when the levels start, Aria. It's going to be fine. I won't steel the lotus trophy."

I scowled at him. That wasn't why I objected at all.

"What if whatever danger is in there harms you?"

"The level hasn't started yet. It won't till the last of us crosses the check point. So you make sure that doesn't happen and we'll go check it out."

"You think it would be on a standby mode and won't harm you until the level starts?"

As if the snakes wouldn't have come before the ringing of the bell, or the eels wouldn't have shocked us.

He smirked and gave me a quick peck on my lips. "Guess we'll have to find that out."

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