Diego {10}

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THE NEXT FEW DAYS were uneventful.

The detective came to visit Rosanne. Apparently, hospital had informed him about the attack.

As decided among us, Rose acted dumb and so did Jared and I.

No point in tell in them that the fucker had disappeared in some weird time travel.

Besides, no one else remembered him but us.

So telling the authority would only cause us more trouble and possibly some kind of psychological diagnosis.

Rosanne was discharged from the hospital after two more days, regaining her full memory.

Doctor had suggested to her staying for a few more days but Rose was Rose.

She said she couldn't take the white walls anymore. She was going crazy and wanted to go out.

Like all of us, he had bowed down to her demands though not before making demands of his own.

No stress was to taken. No heavy weights to be lifted and strictly minimum movement possible. With lots of rest.

Rosanne had frowned but accepted his conditions.

She broke one of the demands as soon as a wheelchair was brought to take her.

"No fucking way! Are you shitting me? I'm not travelling in that."


"Don't mess with me D. You want me to ride in that? You'll have to kill me first."

Of course I had agreed to her wishes as well.

Because A) She had called me D again and B) She had fucking cursed. I loved it when Rose went all foul-mouthed.

So I carried her all the way from the hospital building, into the car.

That way, I didn't mind not using the wheelchair.

Rosanne slept through most of the way back to the campus.

Her body shook with silent tremors every now and then.

Remembering everything didn't send her nightmares away.

Maybe they won't be as worse as they were before but they were still there.

I'll have to find a way to send them away.

Now that the earlier method won't be allowed, I'll have to think of something else.

It gutted me that Rosanne didn't want me near her, even after she remembered everything.

Our kisses, our touches, our almost first time.

That only drove her farther away from me.

She never shut me out. Her attitude was the same as before, if not warmer.

But at the same time, she had put a stop to our harmless flirting and rumored accusations. Also she never spent time with me alone.

Not that we got much of that.

Arianna was constantly buzzing around her like a bee.

As much as I liked her for being there for Rose when she was depressed in her teenage, I was also angry at her for sending her to the Brooke.

I knew she didn't know the outcome to turn out like this, but my idiot-self was never smart.

Only purely overprotective and over-possessive of Rosanne.

Who didn't want anything to do with me.

I huffed.

Parking my car, I got out. Secretly smiling over the fact that I'd get to carry Rose in my arms yet.

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