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That's sort of how I pictured Brooke Mountain High School (BMHS) How do you think it is? Let me know by dropping your comments.

Enjoy Reading XD

IT HAD BEEN EXACTLY a week since I came here at BMHS.

And it has been nothing like I expected.

From very first day I could sense things weren't what they seemed to be here.

I have tried to interact with a few teachers but they were ruthlessly cruel and snappy.

One of them even went far enough to tell me that teachers do not encourage any type of conversations beyond the subject and the classroom.

"We have a very strict policy here Ms Adams." She had said. "We keep our student-teacher relations very professional."

The students were even worse.

No one made any conversations before or after the classes.

Partly because no one seemed to enter few minutes early or late in the class and neither anyone lingered afterwards.

Everyone was so punctual it was almost scary. This school was extremely disciplined I suppose.

I would have seen this aspect on the positive side had this not seemed a zombie-like situation to me.

It wasn't just impeccable punctuality that worried me. It was the looks on each of the student.

Their faces were always blank, holding no expressions whatsoever.

The halls were always deadly silent except the clanging of locker doors.

Everything here seemed so... lifeless.

I would have almost lost my shit if it wasn't for other new students.

The whole freshman batch and the handful of junior students - including myself - were confused at the unusual behavior of the school.

No newbies as sophomores or seniors, I had noticed.

I could tell all the newbies in my batch were as lost as me.

We wanted to talk about it but we didn't want to go against any rules and get into trouble.

Also there was no doubt we all thought we were being paranoid.

The freshman, I was sure, weren't so unlucky. They could discuss about it in their rooms at night and form an alliance unlike us.

Three-fourth of our batch acted like the perfect obedient walking dead.

I was going out of my mind.

There were no assemblies or class discussions held. The teachers came, gave lectures and left.

No homework or project was given as a distraction from boredom.

Another horrible demerit of living here was missing the outdoors.

The school was even more amazing than it looked from outside. It was like a seven star hotel.

Every room was provided with two single beds, personal air conditioner and a bathroom that one could only dream from the science fiction movies.

But no matter how fascinating it was in here, we all were trapped in a golden cage.

We weren't allowed to go out of the property at all costs. The pools and running tracks were also made indoors. So were the other sports.

I was going desperate to feel the sunlight on my skin.

We could only see the sun from our closed windows but we couldn't feel it.

The BrookeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora