Diego {2}

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Here's a picture of Diego Rossler... And he's none other than Zac Efron! ;)

Enjoy Reading XD


Anyone with half the brains could see she wasn't alright. Plus it didn't help that she was a pathetic liar.

I have tried so much, pushed her so much but she was the most stubborn person in the history and future of most stubborn people.

Sometimes I really wished to forcefully drag her with me to seek her help. But I knew that won't benefit the case.

She couldn't be helped unless she wanted to be helped.

I was worried to death about Rosanne.

If it was anyone else, I would have left them to fret over themselves. I was done pushing beyond the point. It almost seemed suicidal at this stage so who was I to interfere?

People didn't call me asshole for no reason.

But Rosanne was... different.

She wasn't just the most gorgeous girl I have ever laid my eyes on. She was beautiful, from inside and out.

The fiercest personality with a casually cruel honest attitude and a touch of humorous wit.

Yes, she was unique. And what's more? It's been three months and she hasn't once spread herself out for me.

Far away from that, she hasn't even flirted with me or bat her eyelashes at me.

You see, I only respected those who should be respected and honestly hardly any girl on campus belonged to that category.

All that was needed was a good face, a set of hard muscles and abs and a seducing voice.

Just the combination of these things would make them spread eagle on the bed like a slut ready to be fucked.

So who was I not to take it for granted? Definitely not a saint.

Gina was one of my few friends because she at least had some dignity to be in a relationship before sneaking into my couch.

That was the only thing that discriminated her from rest of the groupies.

That and her sweet helpful nature.

So when I was kicked out by my best friend-slash-roommate whose girlfriend practically raped me, Gina was the only trusted person I could turn to because :

A) We broke up long time back and she wasn't interested in me anymore B) She already had a boyfriend and C) Like I said, she was kind and helpful.

Naturally, I was thrilled to get a free bed with a room that was hygienic and almost luxurious.

It was a comfortable bed with a big enough bathroom.

Besides, I usually stayed out till the night so I rarely used the room besides for cleaning up and sleeping.

The only torture was sleeping next to Rosanne every night.

Having inappropriate fantasies and blue ball dreams was no fun.

During first few weeks, she was very keen on avoiding me.

Unlike other girls, she seemed uncomfortable sharing the room at nights with me. Like I was somehow invading in her privacy.

Whenever I tried making any conversation, her replies were always cocky and cranky.

If I hadn't known better, I would have thought she was nervous around me. Her bitchiness was very enchanting and amusing.

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