Baby Series | First Night Home With The Baby

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A/N: Okay I can literally not contain my excitement anymore because I've been keeping a secret from you guys for so long but it's finally here! It's been a common thing for you guys ever since I finished my Pregnancy Series to ask me to make a sequel baby series for it. Some were really desperate for it and some thought I should finish the Pregnancy Series the way it was. Though I'm am just such a big sucker for it just like the rest of you so I couldn't leave it alone! So here it is! My baby series. I know some have been disagreeing with this but I've decided to make up baby names because I feel like you get a better personality out from it. The names of the kids will next to the boys' names :3 Oh and there's a book with the series only as well! 

Luke (William):

The sounds of Luke's grumbling swears made you look up from William tired and confused, the bags under your eyes clear showing that sleep would be the next mission on your mind. The lights were dimmed in your bedroom and Luke was currently in the nursery, carrying William's crib into your master bedroom. Sooner than later Luke came inside, carrying the crib with ease and showing off his toned torso since he was only wearing grey trainers since it was almost bed time. "I wonder why we didn't put it in here in the first place." Luke mumbled with a scoff and placed the crib next to your side of the bed. "I have no idea either. I guess we didn't think we would get this attached. But I'm not even sure I can leave him by my side without having him in my embrace." You said with a sigh and closed your eyes, feeling how tired you were. The exhausting from the birth was still lingering in your veins and you were still sore from everything. "And now I have to pee." You whispered and felt the tears ready to spill from your lips. "Nononono." Luke repeated worried and hurried towards your side and took a seat on the duvet. "No need to cry okay." He said and placed a soft kiss to your cheek. "I've made sure to buy the softest toilet paper I could get at the drugstore and if it still hurts too much I've taken down the hand shower so you can use that instead. There's no need to worry because I'm here to take care of us." A smile came to your lips though you couldn't prevent the single tear that ran down your cheek because of Luke's sweetness and you nodded your head and moved up to place William in his arms. Luke placed a lingering kiss to your forehead and went over to his side of the bed to take a seat and he watched as you headed towards the bathroom. "Yell if you need something. I'll be there in less than two seconds." He promised and you nodded your head happy and headed inside, trying to avoid the stinging pain that would appear just as soon as you would pee. To your luck the stitches weren't that painful but you still kept yourself on the toilet to make sure nothing major would happen. When you had calmed down you stood up and cleaned yourself carefully before heading out of the bathroom and stopped in track. Luke was resting on his back with William resting on top of his chest sleeping, the two of them having their mouths open and eyes closed. A warm feeling bobbled in your stomach and the tears were already to spill out of your eyes again but you remained calm and headed towards their sleeping forms. By the sudden feeling of a presence next to him, Luke's eyes shot up and looked at you confused at first but then with a warm smile. "I think I fell asleep." He mumbled and looked down at William. "I think you did too." You leaned down and grabbed William carefully, hoping he wouldn't wake up as you headed towards his crib, placed him carefully down at placed the think duvet over him. You turned around to see Luke sit with the duvet open and you gladly accepted his invitation and cuddled into his side and letting him spoon you from behind. Luke turned off the lights on your nightstand and it made you shut your eyes tight, getting the first night sleep at home and imaging all the future experiences you could look forward to in your home and with Luke.

Calum (Alexander):

"Cal there's no conditioner left, can you get me some from the cupboard under the sink?" Your question lingered in the air along with the sounds of water splashing down onto the wet tiles below you, though there was no answer to your question. "Cal?" You asked confused and moved your fingers up to dry your eyes, removing the curtain so you could stare at Calum in confuse. Though a small smile crept on your lips when you noticed him hovering over Alexander with an award winning smile on his face, Alex resting on the nursing table and looking at Calum with the same dark brown colored eyes. You stared quiet and let the water hit your back as you stared at them in awe, watching Calum being so careful to remove Alex's normal clothes and change into a pajamas. When he had put Alex' feet and legs into the pajamas he stopped in track nervous when he came to the navel, some of the leftovers from the umbilical cord still resting there. Calum looked at more nervous and observed the raisin texture thing and you couldn't prevent the laughter that came from your lips which made Calum look back at you with wide eyes. "It's alright. The nurse said it would fall off eventually after a couple of days." Calum nodded his head by your words and looked back at Alexander before carefully moving the pajamas over his stomach. "See. Nothing to worry." You smiled and leaned your head against the cold tiles, almost forgetting what you wanted in the first place. "Cal?" You asked and he looked up at you with a satisfied smile over finishing putting on clothes on his son for the first time. "Yeah?" He hummed and looked at you with curious eyes. "Conditioner?" You chuckled and he nodded his head fast before bowing down to open the cupboard and took out a new bottle of conditioner. You caught the conditioner with ease when he threw it and finished the rest of your shower time. When you came out Calum was waiting with a towel and wrapped it around your body just as soon as you came out. "Thanks." You smiled and grabbed the towel fully to dry your body and Calum nodded his head as a welcome before heading towards Alexander and grabbed him in his big hands. "Ready for bedtime I see?" You asked and dried your wet hair. "He's definitely ready. Almost fell asleep on the nursing table." Cal laughed quietly, watching his son stare up at him with eyes half opened half closed. "Well it's been a long day." You said and started to put on underwear and one of Calum's old t shirts, and made sure to brush your hair and letting it be loose to dry. You followed each other towards the bedroom and you watched Calum as he headed proudly towards the crib he had installed right at the foot end of your bed, so there was easy access for the both of you to hurry towards him if the one other was tired. "He's gonna sleep in the matter of seconds." He whispered and you nodded your head with a yawn. "Just like me." You sighed and rested your head against the pillow, watching Calum hovering over the crib with a silly smile on his face, nuzzling around with Alexander. "I can take him tonight if you're too tired. You deserve some good well sleep." He said and sat on the bed next to you. "It's alright. I'm not sure your boobs and produce the thing your son is craving for at 2am." You joked and Calum laughed quietly at you and shook his head before placing a soft kiss to your forehead, his eyes barely leaving the crib in front of you.

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