Pregnancy Series | First Ultrasound Scanning

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“First time being here?” The sonographer smiled towards the two of you, Luke sitting shyly in the chair next to you on the bed. “Yeah. First pregnancy.” You half-smiled, rubbing your stomach as you lifted your t shirt to show it, leaning back on the bed. “Well, Mr. and Mrs. Hemmings, I’m Mrs. Lauren, I’m your sonographer for today.” Both you and Luke looked at each other in timid, Luke starting to scratch his neck, “We’re not married.” He half mumbled making Mrs. Lauren blush. “Oh I’m sorry then, my bad.” She mumbled looking back at the papers. “Couple?” She asked, yet you disappointed her again. “We’re best friends, actually.” You said in embarrassment, watching her as she nodded her head, not wanting so say anything into that subject anymore. She started to get the transducer ready, placing gel on your bloating stomach. You reached your hand out timidly towards Luke, him looking down at it for a few seconds before placing his own in yours, wrapping his fingers around yours. Both in movies and such, people had done this little gesture, so why couldn’t you do it? And it seemed to both please Luke and the sonographer who formed a small smile on her lips. Mrs. Lauren pressed a button, turning on the TV in front of you guys. “As you can see on the screen, this is your baby.” She lifted the mouse around to point around and giving information’s about it here and there. Luke looked down at your intertwined hands before lifting it to his lips, giving your palm a small kiss, you looking fast over at him, yet he only looked back at the screen as you watched him, acting off as nothing had happened. You stared at him for a few seconds, noticing the reddish color that had started to grow from his neck. Looking back at the sonographer, you came back into the conversation after being dumb folded, feeling Luke squeeze your hand slightly. He didn’t do it on purpose. To him it just had to be done. It felt right.


“This is gonnna get a little bit cold Y/N but not for long.” Your sonographer explained as she plastered the gel around your bloating stomach, the transducer in her hand smashing it around on the skin afterwards, starting the machine beside her so you guys could get the chance to see the baby on the screen. “And here is, as what I can see, your healthy baby.” She explained as the screen was on, your eyes widening and your free hand going in front of your mouth. “It’s so tiny.” You said in awe, looking over at Calum in joy. “Here is its legs, and head over here.” She explained moving the mouse around on the screen. “Is it possible to see the gender now?” Cal asked curiously, the sonographer letting out a soft giggle by his question. “Not yet Mr. Hood. Y/N isn’t enough developed. You will get a letter both electronically and over mailbox about a new meet up here at the hospital.” She explained, turning on the printer beside her. “I never get a no to this question, you want some pictures with ya, don’t you?” She asked making Calum send her a warm smile. “Yes of course. My mom is buzzing just as much as my sister.” She let out a small giggle by Calum’s explanation, drying off the gel from your stomach, throwing the paper into her trashcan. “Grandmothers can be very excited.” She said as she pressed print on her computer, grabbing an envelope and opening it, putting the now pictures it in. “I will see you in a month or two.” She handed Calum the envelope, you jumping off the bed and grabbing his hand. “Joy will freak out now, that’s for sure.”


“Michael stop keeping on touching things!” You hissed, trying to act off with a serious attitude but as Michael placed the heartbeat listener to his chest, his mouth opening wide, concentrating on trying to listen to his own heartbeat you couldn’t fight the laugh that was stuck and wanted to split out from your throat. “Okay, okay, I’m done.” He mumbled, removing the doctor object from his body, placing it back where he found it.” Grumpy today I see.” He wiggled his eyebrows in a cocking manor as he took a seat next to you on the chair, giving your cheek a kiss as he intertwined your fingers. You only managed to give him a death glare before your manly sonographer came in through the door with a smile, raising his arms in a apologizing manor. “I’m sorry I’m late, yet I’m ready to start.” He smiled, opening your journal on his laptop, turning on the machine next to him so he could scan your stomach. Your shirt was soon lifted by Michael, the sonographer placing the gel over your stomach and placing the transducer on it, spreading the cold gel out on your warm skin. “Ready to see your baby?” He asked, pressing the start button on his machine, the screen soon filled with a black and wide image of your stomach, Michael squeezing his eyes and moving forward. “I can’t see it?” He whined, making the sonographer laugh. “That’s the head. Legs down here. Stomach and chest here.” Michael leaned more forward by the explanation but it didn’t seem to help. “It still looks like a peanut to me.” His comment made you crack up laughing, the sonographer letting out a little chuckle as well by Michael’s un-seriousness, him only shrugging his shoulders as a pink blush came to his cheeks. ”You want a photo with you?” He asked, typing something in your journal. ”Of course.” Michael smiled, the sonographer standing up from his chair and walking over to start his printer. ”It’s always good for other family members to see the little star growing.”


A small hiss came from your lips as the sonographer split out the content of the tube filled with gel, grabbing the transducer, driving it around in circles to spread the gel around the abdomen of your belly. “First baby I see.” She smiled, looking at your journal fast, looking back at you. “It sure is.” Ashton smiled, his hand tightening around yours as he sat on the chair next to you on the bed, his eyes fixed on the screen in front of you guys. “I’m gonna turn on the screen now.” She announced, and just as she said it, the baby belly scanner filled the screen of your inside stomach, your eyes opening wide in joy. “Wow.” Ashton mumbled, his hand pressing even closer to yours, the other hand trying to control his nervous leg. “As you can see here we have-“. The nurse suddenly started to squeeze her eyes, her face showing what Ashton concluded as worry. “What’s wrong?” He immediately asked, sitting straight in the bed to get a better look at her. “Oh, nothing to worry about it’s just…” She squeezed her eyes, typing something into her machine before zooming in on the scanning. “What is catching my eye?” She said, suddenly a smile came across her face. Ashton looked back fast up at the scanning screen in front of him and you, his eyes squeezing as well. “There’s two fetuses showing on the board?” You said in a questionably tone, looking up at her wide eyed. “That was what caught my eyes. “Two fetuses?” Ashton said in almost a shout, almost startling himself by his voice. “2 fetus it is Mr. Irwin.” The nurse smiled, typing some more into your pregnancy journal next to her. “Does that mean?..” Ashton mumbled looking further into the screen. “Yes Mr. and Mrs. Irwin, you’re waiting twins.” Both you and Ashton’s mouths went wide by the information, looking at each other fast before Ashton froze out, his face breaking into joy and a smile. “Twins.” He mumbled, looking down at your belly. “This is getting even more amazing for each day.”

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