Chapter 40 Healing

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Steve's POV
"Your new machine still working Cho?" I asked as I walk into Cho's lab, with Koda carrying Amanda behind me. We had just arrived back at the tower and my first order of business was making sure Amanda got healed.

At the moment Cho had her back to us. "Yes of course, why do you..." Cho stopped mid sentence when she turned around and saw Amanda in Koda's arms behind me. She folded her arms. "I have a feeling that you will be a regular here."

"With me being as prone to injury as I am, I have a feeling you're right." Amanda admitted.

"Set her down." Cho commanded Koda, and when he didn't respond her eyes got bigger. "Now." She growled.

Koda gently set me on the designated spot. "So are you a healer?" Koda asked curiously.

"A what?" Cho responded, putting on rubber gloves.

"Ko, for as long as you have been on earth I think you would figure out they don't have healers here." Amanda pointed out.

"Yeah they do, they call them doctors." Koda argued.

"But they don't have healing powers like our healers did. They use technology and medicine."

Koda frowned. "But they can still heal instantly, right?"

"It takes them like an hour to cure headaches." Amanda explained.

"An hour?!?" Koda exclaimed. "For a headache?"

"Humans can't exactly just touch your head and boom you're healed."

"But that's how we did it." Koda whined.

"You know what Ko? How about you go out there and be friendly to the Avengers? We might be working with them for a while so you have to trust them." Amanda suggested. After about a three minute stare down Amanda finally won and Koda grumbled out of the room.

"This is like first grade all over again."

"Try not to break anyone's arm this time." Amanda called after him.

I was about to follow him out of the room when Cho stopped me.

"I need you to help me get the machine started." She stated. I shrugged and followed her back to where Amanda was laying. "Alright." Cho began, rolling up her sleeves. "Let's see the damage."

Amanda carefully undid the bandages, while Cho criticized the way Koda and I wrapped them. Once all of the bandages were off I examined the wounds. Many of the cuts were much smaller than they started off, which was good. The ends have already started to scar. While I was marveling at how much she improved Cho was marveling at how bad the wounds were.

"How did you... What happened?" She spluttered. "Do you not care about your wellbeing?"

I huffed. "You should've seen them when she first got them. This is so much better than it was. If it wasn't for her accelerated healing..."

I looked over at Cho and realized that she wasn't listening to me. She was running back and forth through her lab, adjusting dials and tapping buttons. "This is going to take a while." She muttered to herself.

Amanda looked concerned. "How long?" She asked.

Cho shrugged helplessly. "Maybe if I had developed my machine more it would be quicker, I'm still in my beginnings with this technology." 

I repeated Amanda's question. "How long?" 

Cho sighed. "I'm not sure... A day at the least, if her healing power is as good as you say. This process could range anywhere between a day and two weeks."

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