One: "My Life concludes of....."

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Avery's POV:

Hi. My name is Avery, or at least i'm told. I don't know what to believe anymore. You would understand if you lived your entire life as someone else.

When i was born Anne, the stupid bitch who thinks she's my mom, stole me from the hospital along with 15 other girls. She raised and even told us about her crime. Why sixteen baby girls you ask? Well she stole us on the sixteenth of December so she thought sixteen was a good amount. She took all girls because in quote she didn't want horny boys. I wish she wanted horny boys.You have no idea how happy i would be if i could go back in time and stay in my moms womb for i few more days.

I've spent the last 15 years of my life crying in a room that i share with 4 other girls because my life is a lie. I'm living the wrong life. These girls are not my family an Anne is not my mom.


I walked down the stairs into the living room of the wrong house that i live my wrong life in. "Hello Avery sweetie!" Anne pitched.I rolled my eyes walking past her. "Watch your attitude young lady!" She scolded me. "I don't have to listen to you" I mumbled. "What was that!" She yelled. "Your not my mom! I don't have to listen to you!" I screamed. "Your such and ungrateful girl! I have raised you and took care of you and every single girl in this house . I'm recriminating telling you girls how i got you guys but i felt that you had the right to know! I'm very well your mother!" Anne Yelled in tears. "You think it's a privileged to know iv'e been cheated out of a loving family? It's a privileged to know you ruined the only chance at happiness i ever had!" I cried "It's not like we wouldn't have known you kidnapped us. We look nothing alike and we all have the same birthday". I turned around an Jenna, Tessa and Talia, three of the other girls that were kidnapped, were behind me watching the conversation. "You guys don't think that two?" Anne asked. "Anne you'll never me our mother. Somewhere out there is a mother longing for her children that you stole and in this house are sixteen girls who are longing for their mothers. You have broken so may people. " Jenna cried. "Anne your a monster!" I screamed. Anne gritted her teeth and slapped my cheek. I put my hand to my stinging cheek and wiped my tears. "Avery i'm so sorry" Anne said trying to hug me. "Anne don't touch her!" Talia yelled pulling me back. "You don't call me Anne you call me Mom! I'm your mother! I raised you and i love you!" Anne yelled punching the wall. I shook my head."Your not my mom and you never will be".

Talia, Tessa, Jenna, and i ran upstairs into the room that we shared with another girl. "We have to get out of here"Jenna cried. "She'll kill us. She's not mentally healthy" I sighed rubbing my temples. "I just want a family" Tessa sobbed. "Tessa at  you have Talia. Yo guys are twins!  The rest of us have nothing! I wake up each morning feeling like there is this piece of me that's  missing"I cried.


Ethan's POV:

I scrolled threw my twitter replying to fans comments and favoriting them. "Grayson we have to film today tomorrow is Tuesday" I sighed.

Hey. I'm Ethan and i have a twin named Grayson. We  have quite a following on vine and youtube so our lives basically revolve around social media. I live in Long Valley New Jersey and i have an older named Cameron. It's me Grayson Cameron and my parents but me and Grayson have always felt like there was something missing.

I grabbed my camera and carried it to Grayson's room. "Grayson the it's one of those days" i told him. "I know the feeling is really strong today."  He sighed sliding his phone into his pocket. Grayson and i have days when the feeling that something is missing is really strong and others were we can forget about it. "I ate filming on days like these i feel like are content is bad when we feel like this"I explained to Grayson."I know but the fans are getting mad. Were really slacking lately." Grayson  said setting up the camera. "The felling is getting stronger recently" i sat on Grayson's bed an put my head in my hands. "Should we say something to mom or dad?Or even say something to Cameron.I'm tiered of feeling crazy for feeling this way." I let out a tear."Let's just get threw the week and hope we feel better" Grayson said rubbing my back. "Okay"I sighed.




Holy shit!!!!!!!! I love this story already! Give it a vote if you think i should continue! I really need your feedback!Love yah bye :p

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