Four: "i trailed down the rowd. on my hover board"

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Avery's POV:
I sat down on the side of the highway and wiped my forehead of sweat. I watched as cars passed not giving me any notice. In this moment I missed the girls but as quick as I got that thought I erased it. No, I thought.
  I stood up and continued to walk. "Hey do you need a lift?" A boy said as he rolled down his window and pulled over next to me.
  I examined his face. He had brown hair and dark brown eyes. He looked about 20 and was extremely attractive. "Umm" I said looking down at my clothes.
  Anne always made sure we had nice things. I was wearing a brown and navy sweater with black distressed jeans. On my feet were a pair of uggs and I had a brown cross body bag hanging from my shoulder. "I guess so" I answered.
He smiled and unlocked his car. I opened the door and hopped in.
"So where are you heading?" He asked smiling. "Well I don't really know. I'm kind of missing? I guess..." I said quietly. "What?!" He said looking at me. "Umm do you know where we are?" I changed the subject. "We're in California and what do you mean by missing?!" He asked freaked out.
  I sighed. "My name is Avery and I was born on 12-16-1999 and I have never met my family" I said sliding down in my seat. "Are you in foster care or something?" He asked. "Something like that" I lied. "Oh okay well I'm Cameron" he smiled. "Anyway I'm going to meet up with my friends Jake and Aaron you want to come? he asked turning off the high way. "Sure" I smiled.
We pulled up at an apartment building and went to floor four. I followed Cameron to a door where I now stood behind him waiting for his friends to open up.
". Yo Cam what's up!" A blonde haired attractive guy smiled. " Yo Jake this is Avery, Avery Jake" Cameron introduced us. I shyly smiled and waved. "Are you from around here?" Jake asked as we walked into his house. "Not really.." I said taking in my surroundings.
  I looked around the room taking note of his nice tv and living room furniture. On the coach was a throw blanket and snuggled in it was an extremely attractive dark brown haired boy. "Hi" I said waving.
  "Hi I'm Aaron" he smiled. "I'm Avery" I blushed looking away.
  I'm going to be straight forward and tell you I've never met a boy in my life. Anne hated them so she never kidnapped any and because I was kidnapped I was never aloud in public. I've only seen boys in pictures or magazines.
   I had no idea if all boys were as attractive as the ones I met today or I was lucky. Aaron though, made my stomach flutter. I have no idea why.
  "So" he smiled "What school do you go too?". My first instinct was to say none but I played it cool. "Online school" I shrugged picking up a frame. There was s picture of Jake and two other boys. They looked almost identical but at the same time a bit different. "That's our friends Ethan and Grayson" Aaron said looking at the frame I was holding. "You look a lot like them" he added. "Yeah I guess I do" I said placing it down.

Ethan's POV:

  I trailed down the road on my hover board. If I was going to be gone for a while I was going to want the be able to rest my legs. I looked down at my phone and saw I had many miss texts from Grayson my mom my dad and Cameron. I rolled my eyes at everyone else but then called Grayson.
"Hello!" He said after the ring. "Hey" I said calmly. "Are you seriously not coming home?!" He yelled. "Gray I've been gone for ten minutes." I laughed. "Yeah and I've been following you for the same amount of time." He said. The next thing I new he pulled up next to me in the car. "You don't have a license" I scolded him getting in the passenger seat. "And you can go to juvy for running away" he rolled his eyes driving home. Well there goes finding my sister. For now..

Don't worry guys Ethan is going to find Avery... just maybe not on his hover board. Lol, Love yah, bye 😜

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