Two: "

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Grayson's POV:

We finished filming and i turned off the camera and went downstairs. I felt extremely bad for Ethan. I'm getting the feeling two but iv'e learned to control it as Ethan has not. Ethan is my bestfriend he's my other half.  When he's down i'm down two and i don't want to be down so i need to make him feel better.

"Mom?" I said coming downstairs. "Yeah?" She said as she chopped vegetables and threw them in the pot she had out. "Tell me about the day we were born" I demanded. "We as about you and Ethan?"She asked.Every time i asked about that day she got stiff and cried.She always said she was crying because she loved me and Ethan but thats crap."Well" she cleared her throat" It was 12  am.  Ethan came at 12:08. You took another twenty minutes so you came at 12:29.When you were born your heart stopped but then it was a miracle and you came back to life"My mother said wiping away a few tears."Mom don't twins come like 5 minutes apart why were me an Ethan 20?" I asked. "Well um because you were physically dead but when you came out you decided to start living."she explained. "Oh"i said. "I don't know what i would do if i had lost two of my babies" she mumbled. "Two!"i jumped. "Mom had a miss carriage before you were conceived" My sister Cameron came running in the room. Bullshit i though."A miss carriage.Why is this the first i'm hearing in this?" I asked."Because it was tragic!  Enough  questions goodbye!" My sister pulled me up the stairs.

I'm going to need to do some further investigating...

Avery's POV:

"So this is the plan..." Talia started. You see me and the girls are planning an escape. "Avery your going to distract Anne by telling her your sorry and you love her and have a moment. While you do that me and the rest of us are going to disable the alarm.  After that were going to call Anne and Avery into the dining room.Avery you'll ask to be excused to go to the bathroom and your going to climb out the bathroom window  okay?Then i will go to check on you and i will also climb out the window.Then Anne will get suspicious  and go to check and that's when Tessa and Jenna run out the front door as fast as they can. Then when she comes back crying that her perfect family is ruined she'll notice Tessa and Jenna are gone and try looking for them. While she's distracted Cat i'm giving you the responsibly of hitting her with the frying pan"  Talia stated her plan proudly."Why not while i'm talking to Anne pretending to be sorry Cat hit's her with the pan and we all run at once?" i asked. "good idea" Tessa said. "Why can't we call the cops?" Jaiden asked. "Because then Anne will hide from them and kill us. She's a mastermind" I replied. "So were set?"Jenna asked. We all gave a weary yep yer our yeah and got in position.

"Anne!"i called out into the house."Yes dear?"Anne asked irritated."I'm so sorry for what i did i was just upset that you like the other girls better." I fake cried  "I love". LIESSSSSSS.I should become an actor tbh. "Oh honey"She sobbed hugging me. Her skin made me want to cry.She smelled like newspaper and her clothes were dirty. "I love you the most out of all of them.You know why?  Because when you were born you had two triplet brother like i did and i saved you from the torture they put me threw."  She rubbed my back. "What?"i asked breaking the fake ass hug. "Your a triplet. You had two brother. You were the middle child of them."Anne smiled. "Okay"i said. Okay was all i was capable of saying  because then Anne was on the ground with a bleeding head. Cat smirked and it Anne a few more times. All i could do was stand there silently.  All along i have felt like there was  a part of me missing but now i have to pieces missing. "At  least my mom still has two of her babies" i cried.  "What did you say?We have no time lets go!" Talia said ripping me out of the house.  I cleared my head. This is go time....




So last part i got six votes! I love you guys so much! What do you want to happen in the story let me know!Love yah bye:P

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