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Avery's POV:

After an amazing day touring Iceland we all decided to go out to dinner. It was a gorgeous modern place with a huge fountain the second you walk in. Every inch either sparkling or had a matte finish.

We were seated at a long table that could fit all ten of us . On one side it was Nate, Grayson, Ethan, Me, and Cameron Dallas. Then directly across was mom dad, Jack, Cameron Dolan, and then Nate. It was a sushi place so I ordered two spider rolls and an eel a avocado roll. Our ood would be out in a few minutes so to pass time I played Chinese chop sticks with Ethan.

"Why do you keep splitting!" He struggled to puck which hand he would tap.

"Because Ethan I like to keep my fingers even." I chuckled taking my fingers and hitting his three taking his left hand out. He tapped my left hand turning my one into a four. Him assuming I would split the four onto my other hand didn't expect me to tap his right hand and defeat him in the game.

He sighed in defeat as I stuck out my tongue. I pinched his cheeks chuckling at his scrunched up face. Being part of a family that wanted you was such an exhilarating feeling.

After eating we headed off to to our three cars. The three drivers were , my mom, my dad, and Cameron🔵. In my moms car was Ethan Grayson and Alex . And everyone else expect me was in my dads. Then I was with Cameron🔵. His car was smallest so he usually only took one person. This time it was my turn.

I hopped in the passenger seat buckling up as Cameron did the same in the drivers seat. He turned up the radio a bit.

"Everyone gets high sometimes you know, what else can we do when we're feeling low..." Cam hummed to the beat. He mumbled all the lyrics until the chorus when I joined in.

"And if you feel your sinking I will jump right over into cold cold water for you." I mumbled just loud enough to hear.

"You have a beautiful voice you don't have to be so quite." He chuckled.

"Yeah and cloud out yours? Never." I joked shoving his shoulder.

"Hey don't hit the driver!" He laughed "do you want to crash"

"No asshole I don't plan on dying!" I rolled my eyes.

"This reminds you of the day I met you" he smiled.

"What when I was walking the streets like a homeless buffoon like two weeks ago, less actually" I smiled too.

"Or when you just casually asked me to sleep at my house after hours of knowing me, yeah that was such a classy moment for us" he added.

"I think getting in your car to begin with was quite insane. I mean you could of been a murder and I was just like 'hey gimme ride'" I laughed.

"What was your first thought when we met" he asked seriously.

"Are all guys this attractive" I said honestly.

"Are you serious?" He said surprised.

"I mean being kid napped in all I wasn't that open to the world of men, but anyway what about you? What did you think of me" I shrugged.

"Well for starters I thought you were at least nineteen. And I thought how could a girl like Thai just be walking up a high way alone" he smiled.

"A girl like what?"

"Beautiful, no gorgeous, screw that no words do you justice, your stunning" he said as we stopped at a read light.

My eyes began to tear. No one ever said something like that to me. I've never been looked at like that by someone. I blushed too covering my mouth so I didn't cry. They were simple words nothing more, but the way his voice added life to them and the way he smiled at me while he said it made my heart completely melt.

"Did I say something wrong?!" He panicked "I didn't mean to make you cry your just, I mean look at you. Your perfection"

"I'm not crying because I'm sad Cameron" I said looking at him and placing my hand over his to calm him down.

We stared into each other's eyes until I felt like my insides would explode. Something I've never felt before, not even the day I met my parents did I feel quite like this. He looked at me with such intensity I could feel it in my toes. The way his hand felt under mine made it go numb. His eyes flicked away from mine down to my lips making them heat up like a fire had been set to them. But the moment was over as soon as it had began. The light turned green and Cameron was forced to look back at the road and continue to drive back to the hotel.

I don't even remember the rest of the ride. I was to distracted by what I was feeling. But then my brain ruined it. Our ages scrolled into my head. He's 21. I'm 16 about to be 17. But still, it's weird for us to even be friends. That's about four years between us. Whatever I was feeling it was unrealistic. There was no way he could feel it too.  It was all in my head.

When we got back to the hotel I quickly hurried up to my room. And layed in my bed staring at the ceiling. I felt a dip in the bed and the next thing I knew Cameron🌸 was laying next to me

"Explain" she demanded.

"Explain what?"  I sighed.

"I'm your sister I can tell something is on your mind" cam insisted.

"What does it mean when you can look into someone's eyes and feel your whole body tingle, or when someone's words alone can bring you to tears because the way their voice pronounces each word, or when their touch one causes you to go numb." I gave in rambling on.

"Oh that's nothing" she said making me feel relived until she added into that statement "i mean besides the fact that whoever that person is your having a mega crush on and you probably even love this person."

"That's impossible I've only known him for a number of days and he's 21!" I protested jumping up.

"Wait you like Came-"

"NO! I don't it was only a moment. Nothing more" I insisted. "Now get out of my bed I'm going to sleep."

A/n hey guys!!! Trying to update more so i might put up a part later today. Anyway what do you think about Caneron and Averys little 'moment' I think that scene was one of the best I've ever wrote honestly. But anyway make sure to comment. Love yah, bye 😛

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