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Avery's POV:

I grasped the photo in my hand unable to withstand the tears. I immediately was able to differentiate myself from the other two. I was a little different looking as the other two were identical. Cameron's voice lingered in the back of my mind but i distanced it still looking at the photo. I placed it down and looking at the next item in the folder. A picture of a boy in a school photo smiled up at me. "Ethan Dolan" i read off the photo. "He's one of my best friend's. I can't believe that i found my best friends long lost sister on the highway" Cameron mumbled. "What's more unbelievable that or the fact that after 16 years of being lost i'm finally found" I wiped my tears nudging his shoulder. He chuckled nudging me back. I smiled looking at the next picture. "That's Grayson he died his hair that color it's not natural. He went back to brown though" Cameron joked pointing to the picture.

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I chuckled at the weird haircut and sliding to the next picture

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I chuckled at the weird haircut and sliding to the next picture. There was the two boys and a girl. "Who's this?" i asked pointing to her. "That's Cameron they'r- you're sister" he stopped himself. "Oh and that's your mom" He pointed to the woman on the end.

"Do i look like i fit in?" i smiled looking at them still silently crying

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"Do i look like i fit in?" i smiled looking at them still silently crying. "Definitely" Cameron side hugged me. I slowly flipped trough the rest of the pictures. Then i got to they're report cards and school reports. Then there was a copy of my birth certificate. Still crying i read it. I was 6.8 pounds. 

Finally after a life locked away I know who I am and where I'm from. My family looks sweet and from the pictures I can tell they love each other. I just don't want to mess up what they have either.
"Cameron what if they don't like me?" I asked quietly.
"They've been looking for you I'm sure that like you" he smiled hugging me again.

After a few hours a man came in and now I'm in a police jet flying to New Jersey. Cameron is staying in California but I promised to call him when I land and when I see my family. I've seen plane rides on tv before so it wasn't a big deal taking off. I don't care about some dirty plane when I'm going to finally see my family. I'm landing in 5 minutes and my hands are tightly gripping my photograph of my family. This will be the best day of my life. I'm sure of it.

I wiped my stray tears away and was guided out if the plane by a police escort. The pulled me to a waiting area. "I have to go to the bathroom stay right here" he said walking away.

Ethan's POV:
1 Day Earlier

I slouched by my laptop looking up police reports in the day I was born.  Nothing really came up making me smash my fist on the desk.
"Ethan come down for dinner" my sister speared behind me, not Avery Cameron.
"Go away" I huffed rolling my eyes at her presence. She knew about Avery and she didn't tell me.
"Ethan.. please." She started to cry. I haven't talked to my family besides a few hi's and okay's.
"Cameron you can't guilt me with your tears! Think about how many tears Avery's probably crying right now! Alone and kidnapped! So leave me alone" I yelled.
Cameron just shook her head and left my room.

I slipped into my bed staring at the sealing. I logged onto my Twitter and scrolled threw some tweets. I stopped at one from Cameron Dallas; just met the coolest girl in the world in the highway. She's a lil' lost but tomorrow she will be found; I read from his Twitter. I decided to text him asking about it.

To Cameron Dallas:

Who's this mystery girl 😏

From Cameron Dallas:

She's 16 and just a friend chill 😂😂

To Cameron Dallas:

Yo I'm 16 😏 what's she like?

From Cameron Dallas:

She kind of reminds me of you for some weird reason. She has the same exact eyes as you and Grayson. She's pretty chill though. She's just kinda got some stuff going on..

To Cameron Dallas:

Alright bup goodnight tell mystery girl I said hi.

I chuckled and then found myself asleep.


In the middle of the night I felt myself being shaken. I snapped my eyes open to see my mother... In tears.
"Ethan baby get up we have to go to the airport!! They found her! We have to leave now! The police man are escorting us!"  My mom cried happy tears.
" her?" I asked jumping up.
"They did it they found your sister Avery"

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