Chapter 3

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Message From Sister-In-Law
I'll be there in 10 minutes
1:10 p.m.

I waited for Megan to come get me and my baby. King had been gone since 8 this morning. Today he was working a 12 hour shift so I know I wouldn't see him no time soon. Kelly was out with her new boo and Ms.Kia was at work. Me and Mady is always home alone.

Message From Sister-In-Law
I'm outside.
1:22 p.m.

I put Mady in her car seat and headed out to Megan's car. "Hey Megan." I smiled happily seeing her. It had been a minute and I was very happy about seeing her. She even had my little handsome nephew in the backseat. "I'm so happy to see you. How have you been?"

"Been good. Just being a good role model for my daughter."

"It's good to hear that."

I got in the car. I put on my seatbelt and we was on our way. "Where's Chris?"

"Right now, he's home but he have to be to work tonight at 10."

I took Mady out her car seat and walked into my brother's house. He was sitting downstairs in the living room. "So you don't see me standing here?" He turned his attention on me but back to the tv screen. "Megan, I thought you said he knew I was coming." She shook her head. "I told you she was coming over Chris. He was the one who agreed that it was ok." She walked into the dining room putting Cj in his high chair. "Hey sis." Chris gave me a fake ass wave. I rolled my eyes and joined Megan in the dining room. "You can stay for dinner if you want."

"No, it's ok. Chris really doesn't want me here."

"Girl, he's just mad because I wouldn't give him nun early this morning." She whispered. I laughed. "Sounds just like a man." Since my baby was sleeping, I took her in the living room and laid her down on the couch. "Watch your niece." I left out joining back up with Megan. "I really miss being here. I be so lonely over there now. Everybody just be doing their own thing."

"What about school?"

"I'm mean we're still in school but once we're out everybody just go their separate ways."

"You're always free to come back. Even though I work, I'll be back before you wake up." I thought about she said for a minute but I was tired of bumping heads with my brother. Ever since I got pregnant, we just stop getting along. It got worst right after Mady was born.

"Don't worry about Chris. I knew that's what you was thinking. He really miss you being here. He talks about you all the time." I can't tell from his actions. I really didn't want to leave being around King. Especially now that we're engaged. "I'll think about it." I helped Megan set up the table. It was a weird thing that we did this. I'm from the hood and never had to set the table. It was one of her family traditions. Her people had money and they set the table as a bonding routine. "Shouldn't Chris be helping?" She walked off leaving me to set the table alone.

She returned back with my brother. "She's your sister, talk to her." He was pouting acting like a big kid. "I spoke to her when she walked in." Megan had her arms folded and her eyes glued on my brother. "Don't worry about it. Me and my baby is leaving." I put down the silverware . Once Mady was in my arms I headed for the door. "Lexis wait." Megan ranned after me. "I can't do this anymore. I have been dealing with this non sense long enough. When will I reach a happy place?" My tears rolled down my face. "Tell Chris I understand. He's disappointed in me. I'm sorry." I started to walk off again. "Just let me take you home." I shook my head no. "I'll catch the bus." I got Mady's car seat from the car and walked towards the bus stop.

My phone started to vibrate in my pocket. It was Megan calling. "Megan I'm fine."

"Sis, I'm sorry." I heard my brother's voice. "I'm not disappointed in you at all. You got pregnant but that didn't stop you. You're a good mother. You're still in school about to graduate. I'm proud of you." I wiped my tears from my face. "Are you on the bus?"

"No, I'm still waiting."

"We'll come back to my house. It's a little to cold to be standing out there like that." He was right. I was freezing. Good thing the bus stop was not to far from his house. "I'm coming." I hung up the phone and headed back to my brother's house.

As I got closer, I seen my brother standing out in the yard. He had a look of shame on his face. I felt bad but I didn't feel bad. It's a bad feeling when the only person you ever had in your life turn their back on you. Even though he was my brother, he was my father figure. I had no mother, I had one but she wasn't around. She was too busy out on the street. "I'm sorry." My brother hugged me. "I'm sorry too." He took the car seat from my hand, carrying Mady back inside. I could tell by the aroma that hit my nose that Megan was in the kitchen cooking up a storm.

We left my brother on father and uncle duty while I helped Megan out in the kitchen. My favorite thing was to cook but sometimes I got a little lazy and bought fast food. Tonight we was eating some good Ol' soul food. Turkey wings, collard greens, mac & cheese, fried chicken and cornbread. I was hungry and I couldn't wait to eat. I was skinny but I had the appetite of a 500 pound man. By time everything had cooked, it would be the perfect time to start dinner. I was to busy to even pay attention to my phone.

I had a message from King and Kelly. They were both just checking on us. Kelly was just letting me know, she wasn't coming home tonight. I read the messages and put my phone down. "Dinner is ready." Once I heard that I was first to grab my plate.

The food was bomb.

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