Chapter 8

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I got up feeling extremely sick. I felt like I had to throw up. I ran quickly to the bathroom letting it all out. I didn't miss this feeling at all. "Are you Okay baby?" King came in trying to help me off the floor. "Do I look like I'm Ok. I just threw up my fucking guts."

"What did you eat?" I didn't want to tell him that it was a possibility that I could be pregnant. "I went out for pizza yesterday. Maybe I have food poisoning or something." My stomach did feel like it was something wrong. Maybe it was the pizza and the test was just wrong. "You can't go to school like this. You're staying home. I'll stay home with you too if you want." I felt good that he said that but I couldn't stay home. Graduation was around the corner and I had to make sure that I passed all of my classes. Walking the stage is very important to me. "King I'm not staying home. I have to go to school." King grabbed me placing me in his arms. "Babe it's just one day. I don't want you at school like this. Don't worry, I'll take Mady to the daycare and we'll let you rest." He placed a kiss on my forehead. "Okay, I'll stay home." I knew I wasn't going to like this since I hated being home after Mady was born. King got dressed and I dressed Mady. I walked them down the stairs and watched as they got into the car. "I love y'all!" I yelled out before closing the door.

"You're not going to school?" Kelly asked on her way out the door. "NO! I'm not feeling too good. I need to eat though. My stomach is really touching my back right now." As I was about to head to the kitchen, the tingling feeling in my throat came back letting me know I had to throw up once again. I ran to the downstairs bathroom letting it all come out once again. "Lexis, are you pregnant?" I heard Kelly ask and I had no idea how I was going to respond. Tears were now coming down my face just the thought of it. "Why did you ask me that?" I wiped my tears and stood to my feet. "Because you and my brother been having sex. You been eating like hell and you're throwing up. I haven't seen you like this since you were pregnant with Mady. Tell me the truth. I won't tell King. I promise."

"Well I took a pregnancy test and it was positive."

"Aww Lexis. We're pregnant together. That's crazy. I'm 12 weeks but I haven't been sick or anything. My pregnancy is going good. Now you have to go to see how far you are." She had the biggest smile on her face but I was really hurting on the inside. This time I was really crying. "This is going to be so hard Kelly. I'm not ready for another baby. I'm trying to graduate, get ready to move in my own place and all that. It's already hard as is with Mady." Kelly wrapped her arms around me. "It's Ok Best friend. I'm here always have been. Now wipe your face. You're to pretty for this. How about I stay home with you?" I was happy to hear her say that since me and her barely been spending time together.

"But I don't want you to miss school if you don't have to."

"Girl, it's okay. I'm being here for you. It's ok I'm done with my classes. All finals are done. It's almost graduation time." I couldn't win a fight with Kelly so I wasn't going to say anything else about school. "Can you go cook me some breakfast then? I'm really hungry."

Kelly rubbed her stomach. "You're hungry? I'm hungry my damn self. Maybe fish and grits. That's what I'm craving."

"That's fine."

I went to the living room taking a seat on the couch. I was trying to find me something to watch but I started to feel nauseous. "Oh my god Kelly. I don't want to be pregnant anymore I swear."

"Well I barely have any of that morning sickness shit. I'm good." She started to laugh. "That's your fault. You should've waited until your honeymoon to be nasty."

"I should've. I really wanted to have sex though."

"Well you should've made my brother wrap that thing up."

"You're only talking shit because you're giving your baby up and don't have to deal with this. I'm going to have 2 kids. I'm going to be a busy little thing."

"Well you have support. So don't worry about it."

I sighed.

"Everything is your fault Lexis." I said to myself.

Kelly brought over the food placing my plate in front of me before taking a seat next to me. "I can't believe we're both pregnant. What if we have the same due date or something."

"I doubt that. Even if we did have the same due date, one of our babies might come way before the due date. Remember, Mady didn't come on her due date. She came earlier than that."

"I guess you're right. When are you telling my brother?"

"Just let me enjoy my food." I took a fork spoon of grits and put it in my mouth. It was so good. I couldn't deny that. Since I was so hungry I demolished that food.

Once I was done, I just laid on the couch feeling tired. Maybe I was going to go back to sleep.

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