Chapter 15

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Today was my appointment day. I showered and got dressed in some American Eagle shorts, a white tank top and some sandles. I put my hair up in a messy bun. I brushed my teeth for the 3rd time today and did my hygiene routine. I got Mady dressed and waited for my sister to pull up outside. I felt nervous today because I didn't know what to expect. Even though I had a baby already I was afraid that something could be wrong. I tried to think positive but my mind wouldn't let me. I had been stressing a little but hopefully everything go right.

I heard a horn outside letting me know Meka was here. I grabbed Mady and headed out to my sister's car. "Good morning Pooh."

"Good morning." I was still a little tired but my appointment is at 10. "Thank you for the ride and for keeping Mady for me."

"You know I got you baby sis. We have to go get your car today." I was smiling now. I was going to have my own car. I can't wait. Ever since she told me she was getting me a car I've been thinking about what car I wanted. "I can't wait. I have the best sister in the world." She smiled at me. "So do I. I love you baby sis." The conversation we had on the way to the clinic was very emotional. I told her what happened between King and I. I didn't cry this time but I've been thinking about King ever since that happened. I also told her about what happened at the mall.

"I'll call you when I'm ready." I kissed my baby good bye and headed in the clinic. I sat down looking at magazines while I waited to be called.

"Alexis Morgan." The nurse called my name and I followed her to an empty room. "Dr. Kowaski will be with you soon." She closed the door behind her.

"Good Morning Ms. Morgan. I haven't seen you  since your last visit about a year ago." I agreed. "Well I'm back. I'm pregnant again...I think." I felt bad since I was so young on my second child. "Well let's see what's going on. Do you know when your last period was?" My mind went totally blank. "I'm not sure. I want to say May 12th." He put his clipboard down on the counter. First I want to give you a pregnancy test and then we'll proceed from there.

The results were back and I was waiting for him to tell me. "It seems that you are pregnant. Congratulations." I was happy now that I knew but I was nervous about it. "I'm going to give you an ultrasound." He told me to lay back and I pulled up my shirt. "You seems to be further than I thought. He then turned on the monitor and put the jelly on my stomach. It was cold so it made me jump a little. I looked at the screen as he moved it around. I looked back at him because he had this weird look on his face. "Dr. Kowaski is everything ok?" I was on scared again. "Everything is fine. I'm seeing two heartbeats. You're having twins." I was shocked. I was scared about having another baby but turns out that I'm having two. No wonder I've been sick. I was shaking now. I am going to have three kids. You're 16 weeks pregnant." He said. "I'm going to print you out a couple of pictures. Congrats on your twins." He handed me a napkin to wipe off my stomach. You're going to go to the front desk and make your next appointment. I'll see you in 4 weeks." He handed me my ultrasound pictures and led me out of the room.

I called Meka to come pick me up. I can't to tell her the news. I knew now everything was going to get harder than what they already are but I knew now that I'm having 3 kids, I have to do what's best for me and my kids.

I hoped in the car with my sister. "How's the baby?" She asked while pulling out of the clinic's parking lot. "You mean babies." I wanted to show her my ultrasound but she was driving. "What?? You're having twins?" She seemed more shocked than I was. "Yepp. I'm 16 weeks."

"Well you're going to need that car for sure. Are you ready?" I was really happy now that I was getting me a car. I had to get a car for all of my kids to fit in. I don't know what kind of car I wanted, but it's going to be so much fun choosing one. "Do you know what kind of car you want?" To be honest, I don't know what kind of car I wanted but I knew my sister was going to get me any car I wanted. "A car big enough for me and my kids to fit in."

"A mini van?" She joked. "What??" NOO! I don't want to be a soccer mom."

"Do you want a Chevy? A Benz? A Audi? Help me out here. The dealership isn't far from here." I thought really hard about it. Which car can I get that will fit 3 car seats? "I'll take the rover for 200 please."

"You always like that car. I remember you used to love mine. That sounds like a deal to me."

All of the paper work was done. I was able to drive my car back home. I hugged my sister so tight that I didn't want to let her go. "I love you so much. I really do for real. Thank you" I was crying because I was happy. Even I was over the break up with King, I got my dream car." Meka handed me over the keys. "Don't worry about the insurance and all of that. I put you on mine. She handed me over some paperwork. If you get pulled over or anything just show them this. You should have your tag in a couple of days so you will have to use a temporary until then. Enjoy your car." I hug my sister again before we went over separate ways. I looked at Mady who was sitting calmly in her seat. I handed her a sippy cup of milk. I finally took that bottle away from her. I jumped in my car. I texted Kelly to make sure she was home. Once she confirmed that she was, I let her know I was coming over.

As I drove, I heard my phone kept going off but I paid it no attention. No texting and driving. I said to myself. I really wanted to pick my phone up but I continued to watch the road.

I pulled up in front of Kelly's house seeing all types of cars here. Looked to me like they were having a party or something. I grabbed my purse and my baby. I knocked on the door surprised to see King open it since I didn't see his car out here. I said nothing, I just walked inside seeing people everywhere. I looked around realizing this was a baby shower for Kelly. Wow, Kelly had a baby shower and didn't invite me. I saw Ms. Kia ran up to her giving her the biggest hug ever. "Hey boo, how's everything going at the condo?" I guess King or Kelly didn't tell her what was going on. I didn't want to lie to Ms. Kia so I just told her I moved out and went back home. "I thought Kelly would've told you but I guess not."

"No, she didn't tell me. King didn't either. Well I'm sorry things aren't working out." I just told her everything was alright. "I'm still smiling. I'm happy." She was just happy to hear me say that. She wanted to hold Mady. Even though Mady wasn't her real grand daughter, she loved her like she was. I guess Mady was happy to see Ms. Kia as well. She was smiling from ear to ear. "Kelly is in the kitchen." I reached back for Mady. "No it's okay. I got her." She didn't have to tell me twice. I found my stealing food. "Kelly...really?" I couldn't understand nothing she was saying because her mouth was full. "I'm mad you didn't invite me." She had swallowed everything in her mouth. "Girl I promise I didn't know. When I talked to you earlier none of this was going on. I went to JB's house for a while after I talked to you then came home to a surprise." I no longer felt bad. "Well I can't wait for your baby to come. I have to show you something too." She looked happy. I reached in my purse pulling out my ultrasound.

"Ewww, the baby have two heads." She laughed. "I'm just playing take a joke. Wait!!!! Oh my god..its twins."

"Yep it's twins. I have something else to show you."

"I can't take no more surprises."

"Last one. Can you follow me outside?"

"Girl my feet are swollen. They hurt I can't go to far."

"It's not to far for you to be in here stealing food."

"Well me and Kaleb are hungry." I grabbed her hand and we trailed out to my car. "Girl you finally got a car. I'm so proud of you." I showed off my keys.

The baby shower was a great success. I felt happy about being here. I got to meet more of Kelly's family. Even JB came back to Atlanta to be here for her. I think she felt really happy about everyone being here for her.

I still felt out of place since me and King were not taking. I did feel his eyes on me but I paid it no attention. I did come home without Mady. Ms. Kia wanted her for the weekend and I didn't hesitate to let her stay. I needed this break. I was tired and just wanted to sleep.

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