Chapter 26

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"Babe, I'm scared."

"It's not that bad. You can do it."

I was getting my first tattoo. King called his cousin to come to the house to come do it. I wanted to get King's name on my chest same spot he got mine. "Okay..I'll do it. I love you." I gave him a kiss. He was holding Mady while the twins slept. I can't believe I'm getting a tattoo. I was getting my fiancée's name for my first tattoo.


"See it wasn't that bad."

"Nah it wasn't. He's good. I think I want another one soon. I want the kids' names."

"You think you can take getting 3 names at one time?"

"I don't know. I'll see after this one heals."

"I like that. We have each other's name on our chest." King reached in for a kiss. "Damn, I can't get no kiss?" I shook my head no. "You and your cousin was outside smoking weed. I don't want your weed mouth."

He kissed me anyway. "Eww.." I said wiping my lips off. I didn't even know when King started smoking but I didn't care as long as he didn't do it around the kids. "I'm about to go with Mitch for a minute. I'll be right back." I have never been home with all 3 kids by myself but I had to get used to it sooner or later. The twins were asleep and Mady is up with her mama. Mady was really a good baby except she like to get into some things if she wasn't in her play pin so I had to watch her.

I had a little free time with the twins being asleep so I cooked me some shrimp Alfredo. I'm not even pregnant no more but I still had my appetite. I put my garlic bread in the oven and went back in the living room with Mady. I had the baby monitor on the table listening out for my babies.

My door bell went off letting me know I had company. I picked Mady up to go open up the door. "Hey Boo" Ivory came with balloons and gifts and people. "What is this?" I asked confused. "Your second baby shower. Now let us in." I let everyone in. It was mainly people from our school. "I'm sorry my house is a little messy, I didn't expect any company."

"Girl that's fine." I had the biggest smile on my face. I didn't know everyone loved me this much to do this for me. "Where are the twins?"'Everyone asked. "They're asleep." I said. "Will it be okay if we could see them?" I led the way still holding Mady so that everyone could see the twins. People wanted to hold them and I just told them no. I don't want everyone holding my babies but I didn't tell them that.  My door bell rung again. I went to go open the door to find more people coming but this time they had food and drinks. I let everyone in. "Damn Ivory who else is coming. It's not that big in here."

"Nobody. That's it."

"Hey Alexis." Paris gave me a hug. I hugged her back. "Where's Allan?" Since their always together. "Girl he have a boyfriend. That's where he is." I laughed. "Aww that's cute." Now we started doing other stuff. Playing games, eating and having a good time. I couldn't ask for more. 

I couldn't hear the monitor but I looked at it seeing the lights high on red. I hopped up knowing that my babies need me. I saw that it was Kai who was crying. I checked seeing that she needs her diaper changed. "Do you need some help?" Ivory asked. "No, I got it. Thanks though." 

"Are you sure?" I shook my head yeah. I'm exhausted for sure but I can handle this. "I'm positive. Thanks for the second shower. The extra stuff is needed." She put her hand on my shoulder. "I know you're tired dealing with three kids and everything but you know I'm always hear to help you." i was done changing her. I carried her out in the living room where everybody was and Ivory followed behind me. "Thank you guys for everything but all of you have to go. The party is over. Thank you guys for everything." I said. 

I was now waiting up for my man to get home. Ivory and Paris stayed here with me to help me with the kids. "You look so tired." Ivory said. "Yeah I barely get any sleep but I have to do everything I need to do. I'm a mother." 

"And so am I. I have a son too. Did you forget that?" I don't want them to think I'm acting like a bitch. I have been tired though. King help me but when he's not here I'm on my own. "Thanks...thanks for helping me." Even though my kids are sleeping right now I could still use the company. My phone went on. I picked it up seeing it's Kelly calling me. "What's up?" I asked. 

"Girl, King got locked up." I can't believe the news I just heard. "Oh my god." Tears started to fall. Now I'm going to be alone. "What happened?" 

"Just come to the house. My dad is going down there to find out what is going on." 

"Okay, I'm on my way."

Ivory and Kelly were both looking my way. "What's going on?" 

"King got arrested. I have to go to Kelly's house."

"You want us to watch the kids until you come back?" Paris Asked. "Y'all would do that for me?"

"Girl yeah go check on your man." I grabbed my purse and my keys. I hurried off to go meet with Kelly and Ms. Kia. I felt like something bad would happen but not something like this. I tried to keep calm until I knew what was going on. I wasn't just thinking about myself, I'm thinking about the kids. 

"Lord, please let him be okay." My tears were flowing but I continue to pray as I got closer to Kelly's house. I thought things were getting better but it have gotten worst. 

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